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Mihawk's body was still filled with adrenaline and anger that he couldn't express back then, so he decided to go for a shower to calm down. You took a break from everything as well and just meditated on the current issue: everyone is lying behind everyone's backs here, that was as clear as the day. No one will get anywhere with all this corruption happening, and just as Mihawk said, they will keep searching and finding ways for you to look guilty because their plan was to punish you so that they can get away with everything. 

While focusing on the heavy topics, you decided to help Mihawk out by cleaning up the spilled wine and the glass shards. He came out of the shower and he was looking very human this time. Consumed by emotions. He did look like he came out of a really hard place mentally. While you were in the mood of chatting, curious about how you did in the interview, you decided to let him collect his thoughts in peace.

Right before dinner time, Shanks finally showed up, and he was looking as miserable as Mihawk, or maybe even more. He looked drained, out of energy, and his face was all puffed up, his hair was messy, and his clothes were soaked in a brown liquid.

"Uhh, yeah... I crashed the car and... got fined like... two or three times." were the only words the red head managed to say before Mihawk threw all the kitchen utensils on the floor in a rush to see the car parked outside.

On the other hand, you rushed to see if Shanks was hurt, as soon as you heard that he was involved in an accident.

"Dude, how did you even manage to do this?" the golden eyed man yelled out of desperation.

As you got closer to Shanks, you noticed that his breath smelled like alcohol. You looked outside at the car, and you couldn't believe your eyes. The front side of the car was crashed so hard to the point where smoke was coming out of it. The sides of it were also smashed so hard that the passenger door couldn't even be closed anymore, and the windows were completely broken. It looked like it couldn't even run anymore, and both you and Mihawk were mind blown by the fact that Shanks even survived that with no serious damage; he just stood there, not knowing what to do or say, and he was also struggling a bit to keep his balance. 

"Are you hurt?" you kept asking him, but all he did was sit down on the nearest chair. 

"I'm fine." he eventually spit out. "Please don't make a big deal out of this, please. I know what I did was wrong."

You were literally concerned for his well being. Mihawk finally came inside after inspecting the crashed car and although he was freezing cold because he didn't dress up for the cold weather, something told you that he was actually burning with anger on the inside based on his facial expressions.

"Don't make me say this in front of y/n, Shanks." the golden eyed man massaged his forehead with two fingers.

"Yeah, also, don't forget about the fines." the red haired man mumbled.

"Yeah, I don't care, you're paying for those." he said, and just left you both completely to finish cooking dinner.

Even though you were also kinda mad, you couldn't help but feel bad for Shanks. He literally got involved in a car accident and was obviously in distress, so it was clear that he needed help. You got him a glass of water and offered yourself to change his dirty clothes, which he refused.

"I'm not worthy of being helped, it's fine, I'll be okay." Shanks said in the most serious tone possible. "I'm just gonna take a shower."

You were left speechless. You stared on the window at the crashed car once more, and eventually you went to the kitchen to eat, but there were only two plates on the table. 

"Are you not eating?" you asked Mihawk.

"No, Shanks is not eating. Not after crashing my car."

You visibly frowned and said a small 'sorry'. It was a really nice car that was obviously expensive, and you didn't know that he lent it to him. It was obvious that Shanks was in the wrong for relapsing into alcohol and crashing it, but eventually, Mihawk huffed and got out another plate, almost breaking it by throwing it on the table with disgust.

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