Safe Haven.. (SPOILER!)

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[This is canon. But only in the far future hehe.. and no pic above as I don't wanna spoiler you by letting you know which Sanses they are, for now <3..Palin's partner uses he/they pronouns btw <3..

And this is a very sappy and fluffy chapter actually- probably has no angst at all lol- if there is, it'd prob be light angst so yeah-]

Palin didn't know if he deserved a mate as great as the one he currently had. They were so beautiful...far too perfect for him, and practically a devil but an angel in disguise. His devil in disguise..~

They were the most amazing skeleton he had met, and his mate was actually involved in the same situation as him! A Reincarnated like him..and lived through a lot of lives, but perhaps not as much as him...

He didn't care about that one detail, he only cared about the fact his mate was a Reincarnated like him as well. He remembers that he kept asking questions if he was alright, or if he could anything for them.

His mate brushed it aside, saying he'd lived through worse. He may or may not have blurted out far too quickly that he was in the same situation as them..

They almost immediately became protective. He couldn't blame them, he already was protective since he didn't want to lose another mate...he couldn't afford losing another mate. His SOUL can't take it if he lost another.

And sure, he might've been acting possessive or obsessive, or maybe both, but he didn't care. He only cared about his mate, and his other loved ones, and besides, his mate was also possessive and maybe obsessive as well towards him so it was basically a win-win situation for the both of them.

Hey! Don't look at the both of them like that. They both like their behavior towards each other, even if maybe concerning, but it was healthy and they both loved it! Who cares if they're a little too possessive or obsessive towards each other?

Certainly not them! And the Star council could go fuck themselves if they didn't appreciate their relationship, it wasn't any of their business so they can just silence themselves shut and not try and separate them.

Besides, they've already SOUL bonded and they knew how it would go if you try to separate or break a SOUL bond. If you don't know, SOUL bonds are extremely important, it can be either platonic or romantic, it didn't really matter. What mattered is that you don't break the bond.

If you did, the other would feel numbed to the point they'd probably try and dust themselves. The person at the other end of the bond could go severely ill and die if not taken cared of properly.

The bond can only happen if both monsters (or humans) consented to bond, you cannot force someone to SOUL bond with you. You'd practically be arrested or get a punishment for forcing someone. And the SOUL bond can only happen once, so you have to think about it clearly if you want to SOUL bond or not with someone.

And monsters can also SOUL bond with humans! Though they'd have to initiate it first since they were more intuned with their SOUL's.

And wow, okay. That was a mouthful, kinda wasted half of the fanfic. Oh well then. You guys won't mind it right?

Thanks! And now where was I..? Oh right, I was just telling you how wonderful my mate was...


Genesis chuckled at the cute sight of his mate purring up a storm on their lap, said mate was currently in his Horror Sans form, they didn't mind. Their mate looked far more adorable when he was Horror, his cheekbones were squishy and soft...despite being all bones and stuff, heh.

It was almost valentine's day, but Palin didn't seem to remember that fact. Oh well, that just means they can actually surprise his mate with flowers and chocolate and all those other sappy as hell stuff there is. They know Palin wouldn't mind it that much at least.

And it would be worth it when they see his mates face when he received those things..

They loved their mate, he thought that he was the most perfect, wonderful and amazing skeleton he had ever met. And he wouldn't choose anyone else if he had to choose. Even for a loved one.

..well, they'd chose both their loved one and their mate- but he meant that differently, and now he forgot the other word for that...whatever.

They chuckled lightly at his train of thought, their mate let out a confused cat-like sound as he looked up at him, tilting his skull in confusion.

Genesis chuckled again as he stroked the side of their mates skull. Said skeleton purred once more, leaning towards the touch, " Don't think about it love, it's not that important anyways. " he said as they continued gently stroking his mates skull. Palin seemed to scrutinize them for a moment, before focusing more on being in heaven, basically.

Genesis smiled down at their mate, feeling warmth in his SOUL.

His mate truly was adorable...


Palin yawned as he rubbed his sockets, trying to get the tiredness out of them as he and his mate were watching a movie currently.

He didn't want to sleep yet. He wanted to spend every minute, every second, with his mate. Because being with his mate was the most wonderful feeling in the world for him and he didn't want to miss out on it.

He grumbled a bit as Genesis gently dragged him so that he could lean against them. But he didn't make any further complaint, his mate was very warm in general so he liked it.

He heard his mate say that he could sleep if he wanted to, but he just rumbled out a slight complaint indicating that he won't sleep just yet. His mate laughed quietly but it didn't last for long.

And eventually, the silence took over, you could only hear the background noise of the television in front of them as the both of them watched from the bed with blankets and multiple pillows.

What? Just a few pillows weren't enough, they needed more! And this was a pretty good movie to see actually, maybe better than all that he saw before. But that was his opinion.

He yawned again, and this time, he snuggled up more on his mate and closed his eyes, falling asleep immediately.

He fell asleep, and for once, he felt content, warm and happy. But most of all, he felt safe for once. He felt safe by his mate, who had an arm around him protectively and affectionately.

He wouldn't ask for anyone better than his mate, even for his life.

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