11 | Back to the Old House

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•I would rather not go back to the old house there's too many bad memories, too many memories there •



(This chapter was brought to you by: Danny Smoke in furryland)

This was it. They were ready.

All dressed up. A nice box filled with poetry.

They were gonna do it.

Vi's heart was already in their throat the second the day started, but they had to, to get it over with if anything. To express that they were over that phase, or to help themselves move on. Eight years grieving was a lot anyways.

They sighed, it felt like bricks were in their throat, choking them up. The burden of the box in their arms was so laden with guilt and anguish, they were ready to get rid of it. It might as well have been the one good thing they ever did for themself.

Well.. if they ever got the courage to, that is.

All they could do was reach for the door, yet pull back right in the crucial moments.

Knock. Knock.

Who could've knocked on their door?

Opening the door while juggling the box was a bit difficult, but they managed. To their surprise it was the three skeletons. The Care Bears as they nicknamed them.

"Oh-.. hey?" Vi muttered, tugging at the door a little, still holding onto the box, adamant on not letting go.

"Hey-.. you good?" Blue quickly asked, gesturing vaguely to all of Vi. More so the box they were clutching like it was their dying firstborn.

"Oh uhm yeah," they set the box down on a surface nearby. The shrugged, watching Blue shift around a bit, "So what brings you guys here?"

"We wanted to see what you were doing today to see if you could join us for another brunch maybe?" Dream stepped in front of Blue, smiling sweetly, Vi almost wanted to return the gesture. How could someone be so unsparingly kind? Vi couldn't understand how the three kept on giving even when all they could do at the moment was take. 

They spent a moment, choking up in the seconds, "I can't," A pause, "I have to go-.. to a place.." 

"Oh yeah?" Ink glanced them up and down a moment, "You're dressed up awfully nice, you gotta date?" Ink didn't think much, or Vi thought so, because he obviously just blurted the first thing that came to his mind. Vi wanted to curl up at that moment. 

"I don't have a date," Vi mumbled, suddenly feeling a bit warm in the cheeks, "I'm going to visit a friend, or well, a house..?" 

"A house?" Blue questioned, hands twitching up to adjust his bandanna. Vi opened the door a little wider, giving the skeletons their first peek into the house before them. 

"Here why don't you guys come inside, I can explain better in the house. Plus, I'd like an excuse not to do it," Vi parted to let the three shuffle inside. A bit embarrassed at the mess around them. The three didn't seem to mind, taking seats on the couch. 

"Your house is nice," Ink mumbled, but Vi couldn't help but feel like he was lying. Their house was a dirty mess, depression clutter piled to the walls, glitter ingrained into the fibers of the carpet, various stains from spills of paint and other such things all strewn about. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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