"Hear this,
a bonfire down at Birch Bay.
it's gonna be lit. Beer, girls, fire. You know everything you could need in life."

I scoff.
Never mind my interest has disintegrate.

"No thank you."

He groans and grabs my arm shaking it.

Pleaseeeee! go.
I may or may have not bragged to my friends, and said a girl moved into our apartment.
But now they don't believe me, they all think your a blow up doll."

"Ian! Your joking right?."

I say slapping his hands.

"I-I don't know."

"Come on you haven't left the house in forever."

I guess they've all noticed that.
Huh, I must seem pathetic.
That could be why Jim hasn't talked to me.
Zander has some how talked to me more,
and he's scared of me like a mouse being chased my a cat.

Ian puts his hands in a pray position in front of his face.

"Fine. But only because you look really pathetic begging right now."

He jumps up.

"Awesome we're gonna look so cool. Walking on the beach like baywatch up to the party."

He starts air boxing.
Awe the appeal of men.

"Yep just like baywatch,
but I get to be Zac Efron"

I say walking away

I don't listen to his response as I go to my room.

What am I gonna wear is the important thing I need to focus on.
That sounds like such a cliche.

I found Jin's social media.

AKA his instagram.
He only had two pictures posted.
One of him in a apron in a coffee shop.
(Regular work day!)

And another of him shirtless at the beach.
(Chilling with the tide.)

So I guess he's a barista.
And a inspirational greeting card writer.

Maybe I can get him to talk to me tonight.
I like having him as a distraction from everything.
Giving my brain something to focus on,
that doesn't make me wanna cry is fun.

It makes everything else seem not so serious.

I have all of my stuff put away.
Nothing else left in any boxes.
I forced myself to finish it ALL yesterday.

I walk over to my closet and run my hand across the hangers.
Stopping on a pink tube top,
my friend bought for me.

This would be a cute.

Maybe with a zip up hoodie.
And some Jean shorts.

Simplicity is key,
mainly because it doesn't take much effort.

I'm gonna go shower.
I need to be clean.


I'm lounging in bed when I hear a knock at my door.

"Open up."

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