Prologue: The greens of peace and Tourmoil.

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Lily ventured farther than always, even though she knew the woods like the back of her head, yet she still had gone too far than always, her legs hurt, her eyes watered.

The sound of birds chirping and the gentle cold of the wind as it brushed against her snow white skin calmed her.

The brunette crouched by the clear pond her brown-ginger eyes stared back at her.

The little woods was the twenty one years old's escapade, exploring nature was one of the ways to calm her spirit and tourmoiled mind.

And just like her dilema, Lily had gone to far in the woods yet the distance wasn't as huge as her lonely heart.

"It's time to go back," Lily murmured to herself, the Woods of Little Killy wasn't safe and she knew it.

Once on her heels, Lilly started venturing her way back home when suddenly, a large crash shook the ground startling the girl.

In fear, Lilly hid in a nearby cave peeping to see what was going on.

"Vincenzo Ivanovic!!!" a deep voice spoke accompanied by a deep mocking laughter.

"I never thought I would see on you like this one day, the all powerful Vincenzo crouching in pain in front of me," the voice cackled.

"This is a rare sight, I pity Doña, the blonde doesn't know how you are yet she is waiting for you," the voice tsked." Poor Doña,"

Lily peeked to see the broad back of a man and in tuxedo, holding a gun and pointing it a man in white on the ground.

The two were close to the edge of the cliff, that was Lily's favorite spot, yet a murder was being committed there.

"Fuck you!!!," Vincenzo spat breathing heavily.

"Oh no no no, I won't do that if I were you," the voice spoke laughing once again.

" I will find you Lorenzo, and when I do, I will make you beg you to kill me," Vincenzo threatened with bloodied face.

"I will be waiting Vincenzo I will, now, it's time to finish this," Lorenzo cocked his gun, pointed it straight at Vincenzo head.

The sound startled Lily who tried hiding her sobs, no one deserved to die like that, not in the woods, not when he had someone waiting for him.

Lorenzo, satisfied with his job pushed Vincenzo off the cliff and left without looking back.

Once Lily felt like the threat was gone, she ran out of the cave towards the place Vincenzo had just been shot.

One look down was all it took Lily to see his bloodied white tux, luckily he had been hanging on a large tree standing alone by the cliff.

"Hey?," Lily called shakily, no reply.

He was probably Dead, he was shot in the head, however, Lily couldn't find herself to believe it, holding back her tears, Lily stretched her stiff body, straining hard to reach him.

As luck will have it, Lily was able to pull Vincenzo back to the edge of the cliff.

"G-get, a-are you alright?" Lily muttered hitting his cheeks.

He was still warm, she noticed, the only option Lily had was to get him to an hospital, fast. however, the thought that his killer might still be around shook her, she couldn't die with him.

Her leg wobbled tightly as she wrapped her arms around his torso, lifting him to her height.

Torns prickled her legs whilst she dragged him towards town using the shortest route which was scattered in thorns and sometimes visited by dangerous animals and Snakes.

The Lords prayer rolled out of Lily's mouth as she begged for mercy from God that he let the man live.

Finally, they arrived in town both bloodied and filled with thorns.

"Help," Lily shouted.


"Lily?," One of the local folks furrowed at Lily's appearance.

"Help.... Please, i-i don't think I can hold him longer,"

"Gracious God, give him to me," the man muttered.

"No, no, I need to get him to the hospital, he-he has been shot," Lily whimpered weakly.

"I know and I will do that but you need care too,"

"No, we-we don't have time to waste on me call the others --please,"

"Oi man, what goin on here," another folk asked pointing to Lily.

"She needs help. Go get the truck we are goin down town," the first folk Gebion barked orders at all of them loudly.

Thunder roared through the sky as the big worn out red truck arrived at the hospital with Lily still holding Vincenzo's body tightly till her knuckles whiten.

"Lily we're here give him to me," Gebion said softly.

Lily nodded slowly and handed Vicente to the folk, her legs wobbled after them whilst the stretcher dragged him into the hospital.

The last thing Lily remembered was the loud roar of thunder before her body gave in and she collapsed gently into Gibeon 's arms.


Lily woke up with throbbing head and pain her whole body yet she ripped her IV off and went in search of Vincenzo.

"Where is he?," She questioned the moment she spotted Gibeon.

"You sho'int be here right now, you need rest Lily,"

"No, I want to see him, I want to know if he is alright," Lily insisted.

"Com'on lily, you need to be alhight before thinking of others," Gibeon reasoned

"No," Lily shook her head, "i-i must see him myself, I must make sure he is okay, please Gibeon, let me see him," tears streamed down her face.

"Fine, come with me," Gibeon sighed.

"Thank you," Lily followed Gibeon slowly until they got to the ICU section.

"We can't visit him yet but he is safe now, the bullet is out, and he is safe but he still needs staying here in case his condition worsens."

Lily nodded slowly releasing the breath she had been holding.

At least he was safe, that was all that mattered. They were both safe.

"How long have I been out,"

"A week,"

"Thank you Gibeon,"

"For what,"

"For helping him,"

Gibeon nodded and helped Lily back to her hospital room, her condition wasn't critical but she still needed rest from the little cuts and snake bite she had sustained.

It impressed Gibeon how hard Lily was able to hold even with the snake bite.


The men went back to the woods, they couldn't find Vincenzo body, it pissed Lorenzo off, he hoped he had finished the job because if he hadn't, then he was doomed.

Vincenzo Ivanovic must not return.

If he did, Lorenzo was doomed just like all who had tried to kill him.

The man was a devil, he built his empire on the corpse of those who had tried to kill him.

Lorenzo had to prepare.

He couldn't let Vincenzo kill him , he had to act fast and build his empire stronger enough to protect himself........................................




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