"You!" The little old man blushed with anger.
  Qin Ruide quickly pulled him over: "You've run out of heart disease medicine, don't bother yourself anymore."
  To reassure his friend and sit down, Qin Ruide turned to Wu Jin: "Okay, you said the food is gone, we have to find the source, you Do you have any ideas?"
  Wu Jin said nonchalantly: "What else can we do? Expand membership."
  Qin Ruide was stunned: "What about expanding membership? How to expand it?"
  Wu Jin said with a smile: "Except for the one with a gun on the 18th floor, the others They are all our development targets. I have already agreed with my subordinates that we will first recruit four households on the fifth and sixth floors this morning. In the afternoon, we will start from the seventh floor and say hello to each household."
  Qin Ruide "What do you mean, they are not willing to join at all, you want to steal their food?"
  Wu Jin said, "How can this be considered robbery? Isn't it good to join the big family to unite and help each other in the face of natural disasters?"
  Qin Ruide's face changed. He stood up from the stool and said, "Wu Jin! You are breaking the law, you can't do this!"
  Wu Jin glanced at him and said in a calm tone: "It wasn't against the law to break the door, didn't you agree? "
  Now you are starving to death. Don't you agree with my method?"
  "It's okay if you disagree. What will you and your grandson eat?"
  Qin Ruide looked at everyone.
  Most of them moved here from the villa area, and they have met each other more or less. They used to be well-dressed, and some of them donated a lot of love every year.
  Now, especially the two familiar families, no one dared to look back at him.
  Qin Ruide felt uncomfortable in his heart and said to a junior: "Xiao Lin, I don't blame you if you don't follow me. Do you agree to rob others?"
  The man gritted his teeth and said: "Uncle Qin, now We are going to starve to death, why should we care about others?"
  Qin Ruide's face turned pale, he fell down on the chair, and after a while he said: "I don't agree, if this kind of robbery starts, the consequences are unpredictable."
  Wu Jin glanced at the other four old men: "You all don't agree? If I find food, I promise to give you some." At
  this time, except for the little old man who slapped the table, the other three families began to hesitate. .
  Qin Ruide thought of something and suddenly said excitedly: "Don't go and grab it, I have a way."
  "We can borrow a boat from the 18th floor!"
  Wu Jin looked at Qin Ruide and suddenly laughed after a long time: "You Are you sure? That's the guy with the gun, he must be more ruthless than me. Will they lend you a rubber boat?"
  Qin Ruide looked even more excited: "How will you know if you don't try? I'll ask right away."
  He looked again He asked everyone: "If I can borrow a rubber boat, would you like to go out with me?"
  This time, most people were interested, but Wu Jin did not speak.
  Whether you want to go out or not, wouldn't it be better if you could borrow a boat?
  There's always a choice, it's better than robbery, right?
  Wu Jin sneered: "If you have the guts to go out, I will never stop you."
  He looked at Qin Ruide: "Leader Qin, since you said you wanted to borrow the boat, we will wait for your good news."
  "But you'd better hurry up, otherwise the brothers will go crazy with hunger and might expand their membership in advance."
  Qin Ruide stood up without stopping and headed to the 18th floor.
  The security door was locked, so Qin Ruide could only slam the door hard, trying to make the loudest noise.
  He knew that many old people and children had gone upstairs to ask for food recently, but none of the three young people came forward.
  The hope of borrowing a boat is not high, but as long as there is a little hope, it is better than killing someone.
  "Is anyone there?"
  "I'm not here to beg for food!"

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