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Ishaan's pov

The day wasn't over yet so we went to a nearby shop to eat something. Both of us sat down and Aaryan went to order some food sometimes I wonder what could happen if I could read minds silly right? That would be pretty tiring to read everyone's mind around you while I was daydreaming Aaryan came back and shook me "dude you are daydreaming again!? " He said "I was just thinking if mom would like the outfit we brought" I lied "of course she would don't overthink okay? You want some " He said pointing at the French fries he brought "sure " I said and went to grab one "here " Aaryan said holding one fry in his hand close to my mouth without thinking much of it I just ate it with his hand.

After a moment I realized what just happened wait Aaryan feed me right?????  "This are much better than the store near our house right!? " Aaryan said feeding me more fries I guess he doesn't realize that he is feeding me Should I tell him but I am kind of enjoying it wait.. Maybe he knows what he is doing but thinks that this is normal right??  "Are you gonna feed me water too? " I said smirking "oh you want water? "He said taking the water cup and putting it front of my mouth  "Here you go Ish" He said great the trick backfired I am the one who is blushing rn ahh I must have looked like a idiot "thanks" I said and taking the water from his hand instead of letting him God this is embarrassing.
"Hey Ish you okay? You look like a tomato " He said laughing a little "I am finee it's just hot here" I said quickly "but the AC is on Ish I think you have fever come here" He says extending his hand towards my forehead "hmm " He said putting a hand on my forehead "I am finee ok" I said pushing his hand back "ok? Let's not talk about you being a tomato" He said smirking "yeah very funny" I said sarcastically "Anyways I am sorry Ish... Yk you must have felt left out when I was with her (Aavni) and it was just our hang out day" He said with his puppy eyes "oh so you finally noticed huh it's fine " I said leaning on to my hand and putting my head on it "God Ish you are so perfect" He said smiling "Nobody is perfect Aaryan " I said to him "You are for me ... If you were a girl I would definitely date you I bet you would look pretty as a girl too" He said "Stop saying stupid things like this" I wish I were a girl so i could date you too Aaryan "Hey it's not stupid I was just saying the truth yk" Aaryan said with a grin on his face who will tell this guy that i could even beacome a girl for him.... Maybe just maybe if I were....

We both went to a nearby park to walk just enjoying the evening cool breeze. It clears my head when I walk in this type of environment. I look at the side and see Aaryan chattering nonstop about something I am not even listening to.. I love to hear him talk so many expression on his face and his sweet smile could make anyone's day better. "Hey should we head back? " Aaryan said "yea sure let's go " I replied this day was so much better than the other's I wish everyday just went like this. We reached my home at around 8 at night it was already dinner time. All of my family member were eating we decided to surprise mom with her gift yesterday after college when we were done with dinner we both went upstairs. "Ugh I am so tired rn" Aaryan said jumping at my bed "nice try but you have to make your own bed now get off" I said sitting down beside him "I don't wannaaaa~" He winced looking at me "stop wincing like a child and make your own bed or else you are sleeping on the floor tonight" I said pulling my phone out and checking fir messages "can't I just sleep with you? Your bed can definitely fit two people I am sure" He said " No way I am sleeping with you you kick in your sleep " I said " I do not " He argued "you sleep on the floor" I said " Ish~ please I'll do anything you ask okii" He said with puppy eyes ugh he is so persistent I can't refuse him "ok whatever just sleep here" I said and started to check my phone there were so many messages. One of the message caught my eye it was from Sidd i wonder what he wants maybe another book?
I opened the text :-

I wanted to say did you meet Aavni at the mall.
She told me she was just out for some shopping and ran into you guys also your cousin too.
If she caused any trouble please forgive her she can be pretty dumbfounded at times.

Well we did ran into her and rishant while we were there but it's fine.

I sent the message and put my phone aside to see Aaryan sleeping great now where am I gonna sleep? My message notification went off hmm guess sidd replyed back to my text.

You are pretty chill unlike Aaryan also wanna go the park for some fresh air
It's fine if you don't want to tho🙃

No no I can come right away I also wanted to discuss something about the books

Ok then I'll wait for you outside your house :)

I'll be there in 5 min

I put my phone down and looked at Aaryan who was still sleeping should I tell him probably not he will just throw a tantrum. I looked at the time 11:25 pm hm it's pretty late should I just cancel the plan? I got up and peeked outside my window to see sidd standing leaning against the wall. He saw me looking and waved at me as I waved back and got inside. Before going down stairs i made sure that Aaryan is sleeping and went down to meet him.


Yoo how have you guys been
I know it's been a while but here's an update

Can we call just decide a day in the week when I can update let me know

How many of you think that sidd is evil or maybe he actually really just like Ishaan baby... 😭😭


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