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I picked up the phone. "YOU INVITED THAT STRANGER TO YOUR HOUSE TO HAVE DINNER WITH YOUR FAMILY" Aaryan shouted at me "hello to you too" I said calmly Aaryan sighed on the other side "I am serious here I told you I don't like him he gives off bad vibes you know" He said "Aaryan you are being paranoid he is a sweet guy I like him" I said assuring him "you like everyone Ish even the bad ones" He said. "Also what's with Aavni joining you I am pretty sure you didn't want to invite her to your dinner" He asked "well you will be surprised to know that she is Siddarth's sister so be nice to him and maybe you will get a date with her" I said "WHAT?? aw man the only girl I liked turned out to be 'that's guys sister are you serious? " He said "If you don't have anything important to say then leave me alone I have to read" I said "how about no? Ish I am not sleepy rn let's talk all night" He said ugh is he serious I can't handle him. I was thinking about this but at the back of my mind I really want to talk to him all the time and stay with him 24/7 and he is just putting me on edge He is just too cute for me to handle. "Do I look like your gf to talk to you all night" I said laughing "you know I love you my prewty girlfriend mwah~" He said laughing "I swear to God if you don't shut up I'll kill you for sure" I said blushing thank god he is not here. "Ok I'll sleep Good night Ish" He said "Good night Aaryan" I said "have sweet dreams about me~" He said and cut the call. What the- it's not like I don't have a dream about you every night they are just rather impure.I need to do something about this. I turned off the lights and went to bed.

The next morning was like all the other day I got ready and to went to college. "Ishaan you are in the same college? " I heard a voice say behind me I turned around and saw Aavni.Are you kidding me!? . "Guess we are in the same college huh" I said smiling she smiled back and said "guess we are, so how do you know my brother?" She asked "We met at the library in which he is working" I said. I can't tell her that I met her brother in the club.... "Oh my brother told me you were a amazing guy, also.... I am sorry" She said "what are you sorry for you didn't even do anything" I said "well... The guys with a handsome face like you are always jerks but when my brother told me about you I was surprised I judged you before even getting to know you" She said. Oh so that's the reason I thought she just simply didn't like me. "It's fine, friends? " I said extending my hand for a shake but she hugged me instead. But it a bad timing for her to hug me "heey~" Someone said behind me It was Janvi and Aaryan he looked kind of shock to see me with Aavni. "Hii guys" I said pushing Aavni off me "So is this your Girlfriend Ishaan~" Janvi said teasingly "No we are just friends" I answered quickly "what? I thought you finally accepted someone's proposal" Janvi said dissapointed "No she is the new student in your college" I said "oh hi nice to meet you my name is Janvi and He is Aaryan" Janvi said smiling "oh hi Janvi I am Aavni, guess we meet again Aaryan" She said smiling at Aaryan "Yeah I guess.. " Aaryan said "wait I an confused how do you know Aaryan? "
Janvi said "how about I explain that to you in class or else we will be late" I said looking at the watch at my hand.

At the class....

In class I explained her about how she is my neighbor. When I sat at my seat with Aaryan was staring at me "uh do you want something" I said to him "you looked happy hugging the girl I have a crush on" He said coldly "what!? " I said "You know what I am talking about about I thought you didn't like her" He said "Are you serious right now do you think I will like someone without telling about you about them? " I said "whatever" He said and the teacher came in the class.

Ugh this is messing with my brain does he seriously like her so much that he is ignoring me now. All the friend noticed Aaryan's weird behavior towards me. He never got this upset with me that he would ignore me all day. At the end of college he left without me I got up to catch up to him. "Are you still upset? " I asked him "I don't wanna talk to you Ish just leave me alone of sometime" He said "Are you seriously upset with Me because of a girl come on Aaryan" I said to him "What if I am what are you gonna do huh!? " He said and left me alone. I sighed this is not gonna be easy.

After I went home I began thinking how to improve his mood. I pulled out my phone and called Aaryan he picked up the phone in 4th ring "what do you want" He said on the other side "meet me at our usual cafe" I said "and why would I come? " He said "I know you will please come in 1 hour ok" I said and I hung up.

When I was walking to the cafe with the gift I brought for brightening his mood I saw a kitten and she was going trying to cross the road it was crowded so I picked up the kitten and brought her to other side of road looking for someone who might be her owner after looking for a while I found nothing suddenly the kitten struggled to get off me and because of her I stumbled back in the road I was just going to get hit when someone grabbed my hand and pushed me towards them. It was so sudden I looked up to see who saved me and it was Aaryan?

"Are you out of your fucking mind!? You call me an idiot and you cross the road with not looking at the road!! You want to die or something!?!? " He said loudly and he looked angry too "I was just-" "I don't want to here you stupid excuse.. What if something happened to you huh!?!? " He said quitely "but nothing happened to me right? " I said clamly "fuck off" He said and helped me to get on my feet. I looked at the gift in my hand to see if it was damaged or not thankfully it was safe. "Here" I said handing him the gift "what is this? " He asked "a present your birthday is coming up right? " I said smiling "but my birthday is next month why are you giving this gift to me now? " He said "it doesn't matter open it" I said to him. He opened the box and found the watch I gifted him. I will die out of his cuteness his eyes are literally twinkling man I love him so much.. "Wait this is the watch I wanted for so long how did you even find it?? " He said happily "I always know what you want Aaryan also sorry for hugging our 'crush' even though she was the one who hugged me" I said "Ish... Man I love you so much!!! " He said hugging me. I love you more. I hugged him back.

Afer that we both went to the cafe and have some coffee Aaryan talked for hours about the watch and how thankful he was about me giving it to him and other thing. I was just glad that he was not upset with me now. "So do you think she will like me?" He said looking at me "what? " I said "Aavni will she like me? " He said "I don't know maybe ask her to hangout" I said uninterested "it will be awkward if I just invited only her and she will be supisious too" He said "figure something out and Is it necessay to talk about her when we are talking" I said "come on if she end up falling for you my poor heart will not be able to handle it" He said "you and your heart" I said "I have and idea how about we invite her to hangout" He said "I am not third wheeling" I said quickly "what? Why not!?" He said "I just don't wanna" I said shurgging.You laughing and having fun with her will make me go insane. "If I invite that what was his name again.. Ah yeah 'Siddhart' " He said "you are insane" I said but I eventually agreed how could I say no to my Aaryan. "Great!! So this weekend sounds great and I am coming to your house" He said "why do you need to come to my house? " I said "well I will walk to school with you next day with Aavni" He said. Great. I sighed "you are sleeping on the floor" I said "what no way your bed is enough for two people I am sleeping with you" He said. It's gonna be a long night. "No way I kick others when I sleep and I snore too" I said trying to convince him "stop I know you don't snore or kick others in sleep" He said "fine do what you want" I said then my phone rang I looked at the phone e to see who was calling it was tanvii dii I looked at the time in my phone and it was 6:30 in evening I was out for 3 hours mom must be worried I didn't even told her where I was going. I said goodbye to Aaryan and he said he will be coming to my house in half and hour and I left to go home.


Do you think it's a good idea for getting a date or Aaryan is just dumb..?
Let's see what this idea lead him to

Love you
ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

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