Bar Duo Tales

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1. Encounters: 

Swerve smiled at Gold Line as they waited in the line outside famous bar: Maccdam's. The femme rolled her optics at his apparent excitement but couldn't help giving him a smile at his infectious mood. The two had been bar hopping for about two years now, using holo-forms (made by Wheeljack) to disguise their usual paintjobs and had been regular customers at the bar in front of them for a long time now. Swerve fiddled with his frame, inspecting the flawless paintjob of yellow and black casings with golden optics under the alias: Whiskey, before poking at her own paintjob, a inky black with shimmery flecks of gold that swirled around her frame and blue optics, giving her the alias: Galxa. Gold Line swatted at his servo, smiling pleasantly at the guard stationed outside the bar when he checked their ID's, motioning them in with a wink when he recognized them. They took up their usual seats near the middle of the bar stools and Gold Line ordered their drinks from the bouncy Bartender. Swerve drowned his Engex quickly, smiling as a familiar song came over the speakers, motioning to a group of chatting femmes in a back corner, "You think you could set me up with one of those femmes?" Gold Line swirled her drink before downing it, licking her derma at the sweet after taste, "I can try but you know those are Med Bots right? Look at their builds." Swerve narrowed his optics, trying to see what Gold Line had pointed out, as if this statement was common knowledge, "Ah, you're right, I forgot how sharp your optics are...well do you still think I should go for it?" Gold Line surveyed the large group with a thoughtful smile, "You could but I don't know much you're going to get out of that group, they don't look like their here for a hook-up Whiskey." Swerve raised his optics ridges at her teasing tone, "Alright...hmm...what do you think about that one then?" Gold Line turned her helm to view the bot Swerve had pointed out, her optics taking in the mech's frame with faint interest, "That mech there? He looks like a Engineer, he'd be good." Swerve hummed in agreement, "I like his paintjob, so...?" Gold Line rolled her optics before placing her empty glass down on the bar top, hopping down from her seat to waltz through the growing crowd and to the bot Swerve had picked out. Another mech cut into her way and she paused, watching the red and white mech cross the bar to the private booths, sitting next to strangely familiar plating of a orange and white older mech. Gold Line's spark jumped into her throat pipes as she realized the orange and white mech was Ratchet...her Carrier. Gold Line cursed under her breath, retracing her steps so she was back at the bar, motioning for another drink. Swerve sent her a curious look as she drowned her second cup with gusto, "You good? What happened to the Engineer?" Gold Line sent a quick look to the booth to make sure her Carrier hadn't moved from his spot, secretly hoping he'd left, "Ratchet." Swerve's optic widened, "You're joking, where?" Gold Line jerked her helm in the booths direction, knowing Swerve had spotted it when he breathed in a harsh vent, "That's him alright, slag, just our luck too....good thing we've got airtight alibis and these forms otherwise we'd be grounded for the year." Gold Line shook her helm to gather her thoughts before hesitating, "You still want a night out though? Why don't we lay low tonight?" Swerve kept his optics on the booth before breaking his optics away, nodding to her with a confident smile, "No problem, I enjoy your company anyway." Gold Line chuckled but the two were quickly interpreted by the clearing of throat pipes in front of them. Gold Line turned, stilling as the same red and white mech, who'd been sitting with Ratchet, looked to them with curiosity, "Can I help you?" The mech blinked, a small smile making its way on his face plates, "I was just coming up to the bar for more drinks, my apologies if I interrupted something." He eyed the two before leaning over their part of table, getting the bartender's attention and placing his order. Gold Line locked optics with Swerve over the slim mech's frame, their private comm opening quickly, "What about him?" Gold Line hesitated but discreetly shrugged her shoulder plating, her voice gaining the attention of the mech, "Sorry, didn't mean to be rude, just wasn't expecting you is all, let me buy you a drink." The mech recycled his optics with a small smile, "It is not a problem, these drinks aren't just for me." Gold Line slid her card to the bartender with a nod when he approached, dropping off the mech's drinks with a distracted smile. The mech raised his optic ridges before he rolled his shoulders back, grabbing the platter of drinks before nodding curiously in her direction, "Thank you, I'll be sure to tell my table who bought their drinks." Gold Line waved him off with a smile of her own, "It's nothing, maybe I can buy more drinks for you in the future?" If the mech was surprised at her forwardness he didn't show it, instead a wry smile took over his face plates, "I will keep your offer in mind but I think I'll return to my table now...see you later." Gold Line watched the mech turn, walking back to his table to place the drink platter down, which was quickly emptied as each bot at the table took their Engex. Swerve whistled low, his optics following the mech, "We've never been turned down like that before...I like him." Gold Line hummed, "Me too." The two shared another look before delving into their own drinks, talking pleasantly about anything they could think of. 

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