Moments With The Big Three

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Raf (Age 19)         ~Single~

(Context: Raf works in a very laid-back environment at home but in person, he collaborates with Ratchet, First Aid, Wheeljack, Brainstorm, Red Alert, Beat, Perceptor, and others to code/technologically advance the human industry of medicine and tech. He has his own company, college scholarship, and a family fund where most of his riches go too. The only expensive he keeps for himself is his Bumblebee Camero look-a-like.)

Occupation: Biocoder (owns/works a private organization that copartners with the Autobot medics and scientists/ he's very successful + famous and very rich but doesn't tell anyone/ he showers his friends with his wealth) 

Living Location: Commutes to Jasper, Nevada but actively lives in Washington D.C. 

The music blasted loudly from the overhead speakers. Ratchet turned his audio receptors down with a huff, trying his best to concentrate on the delicate procedure of fixing the ground bridge after the human engineers had stripped it of its usability. He repacked the organized wiring back into the exterior control panel and snapped the metal door shut, securing the box with weldings along the edges. He smoothed down his work with a sigh, placing the last of his equipment away and regarding the shiny spirals of metal fondly. Something tapped on his pede and it took all of Ratchet's willpower to stop his frame from reacting. He turned his oncoming scowl to the ground where the nearly grown Raf stood patiently waiting for the medic to respond to him. Ratchet repowered his audio receptors, noting the music had died down considerably, before responding to his guest, "Raf, what is it?" Raf blinked sheepishly, "Sorry to bother you Ratchet, but could you open up the hanger doors? I've got to get home to catch up on some work." Ratchet studied the recently graduated Biocoder with a chuckle, gathering him in his servos and walking him back to the base doors, "Burning the midnight oil as they say?" A smile tugged at the corner of Raf's lips as he regarded the medic thoughtfully, "Yes, I learned from the best." Ratchet waved him away with a pleased smirk, "Pl-ease I don't think you should be taking after me in the slightest." Raf shrugged, allowing Ratchet to place him down by his own car; a yellow Camero with a customized Bumblebee license plate, "You're really what got me interested in my work now...I like working with you Ratchet." Ratchet's servo's stilled on the keypad, smiling softly at the smaller form, "As do I, Rafael." Raf chuckled, climbing into his car, roaring the engine to idle as Ratchet typed in the correct coding; knowing full well the coder could hack the systems himself but chose to allow Ratchet to see him out each night. The base doors changed open and the Camero revved its engine, tearing out of the base door with a beep in Ratchet's direction. Ratchet shook his helm, closing the doors back up with a single click, sending a quick message to the coder as a reminder for him to recharge for once. 

Miko (Age 22)        ~Dating Jack~

Occupation: K-pop Artist (Famously singing with groups such as BLACKPINK in Japan but is planning on starting her own fusion of Kpop and Metal with her own band)

Living Location: Tokyo, Japan 

(Context: BLACKPINK is performing a World Trip and this is Miko's first ever tour to Germany so she invited all her friends and family for the occasion. Miko dreams of performing on Cybertron but guesses that this will have to do for now ;). Jack and Miko have only been dating for a year at this point.) 

Jack led the group of Autobots, soldiers, and work friends to the front of the crowd, pushing lightly when met with resistance, the large group worked their way into first-row seats, tagged over with the messy scrawling of Miko's handwriting; My Friends (Everyone Else Stay OUT!). Jack chuckled fondly before motioning for them all in to find comfortable seating and attack the refreshments table. The stage was brightly lit, showing off the expensive band equipment and pink visuals/decorations scattered throughout the coliseum. An announcer washed over the roaring crowds, settling them down to a hush, "Good evening ladies and gentlemen...thank you for joining us for the first official tour of Germany BLACKPINK will take on their World Trip!" The announcer stopped to allow the crowds to cheer over him, quieting them down after a few minutes, "Yes, yes now I know you're all excited for today's tour so without further ado...would you please welcome BLACKPINK!" The crowd roared once more and Jack, among the rest of the group rushed to their feet to cheer loudly at the stage. The VIP section they occupied was set a little above the crowd, making for the best possible viewpoints as the female K-pop group took to the stage. The band followed shortly after, filling in their instruments and piling into the missing gaps among the singers. Bulkhead produced the sign he'd handmade for the occasion and shouted at the top of his lungs, "MIKO! THAT'S OUR WRECKER!" The long half pink half black haired girl smiled, holding up the universal hard rock sign before turning back to her group members with a large smile covering her face. The lights in the stadium dimmed, illuminating the stage as the singers faced away from the crowd, taking their spots on stage. The stage had walkable attachments branching off into the crowd, one for each member and everyone could guess the one right in front of the VIP Section was going to be Miko's. The music started lightly, sending the crowd into frantic cheering before the base settled in and "Pink Venom" started up. 

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