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Lennox eyed the group of soldiers piled into Autobots, all of who were joining him for a relaxing night at Rose's place, each cleaned up well in their respective holo-forms. Rose's property was an hour's drive toward the east side of Jasper, on the outskirts with limited access points and the only neighbors were one hour back the way they'd come. He shifted in place, glancing out Optimus's window as the scenery passed by; he was accompanied by Ratchet and Ironhide so the limited space in Optimus's cabin was providing awkward leg and arm room. Ironhide grunted when Lennox's knee bumped against his, playfully bumping it back into place with a smirk at the XO. Lennox shook his head in amusement but Ratchet stopped him from retaliating, "Stop bumping into me Ironhide." Ironhide gave him a mock salute before slumping into the middle seat, his arms crossed across his chest with a roll of his eyes. He was dressed formally, more than usual, but having only seen his friend in a military uniform gave him the assumption that he didn't often wear anything else. Ironhide tugged at his collared shirt, unbuttoning the top two buttons with a sigh of relief. He caught Lennox's pointed stare with a sheepish look, "I don't like how tight it feels." Lennox shrugged before undoing his own, "Can't say I don't feel the same." Ironhide grinned before Optimus rolled slowly to a stop, releasing air from his pistons with a hiss, "I believe we are here." Lennox rolled down Optimus's window to peer up at the impressive gate leading up to a modern stylized house at the top, "Yup, this is it...pull up to the gate and I'll punch the code in." Optimus's engine roared back to life after idling and he pulled up alongside the code box. Lennox reached out and typed in a code, pressing a few additives to make sure the gate held open for the other bots behind them. He retreated back into Opimus's cabin and the mech pulled fully into the paved driveway, his tone curious, "I did not know Rose possessed such a property." Lennox nodded, a soft smile overtaking his features, "Yeah she usually doesn't have guests over...this is like a sanctuary to her so it's cool of her to have us over for the night." Optimus hummed, joining the rest of the team in marveling over the large estate. The team pulled into her roundabout driveway and Optimus's holo-form appeared at his door to help Ratchet out, while Lennox and Ironhide exited from his passenger side. Lennox dusted off his form before smiling at the group, turning towards the glass patio to buzz the Ring doorbell. The doorbell jingled merrily before Rose's smooth voice sounded over the system, "I'll be...Okay, Miko, you can answer the door...Miko will be down in a second to let you guys in." No sooner had Rose's voice clicked away did Miko throw open the door in excitement, her eyes gleaming as she spotted her friends and her guardian, "Let's get this party started!" She hurried the group inside, shutting the door behind her and whisking away, forgetting her group wasn't accustomed to the large house. She turned back with a smile and motioned them up the stairs and onto the second floor, "Come on! Stop being so slow!" She grabbed Jack's arm and tugged him along with her, the teenager sending her a ruffled look as he almost tripped on the top step. The rest of the group followed cautiously behind, listening to Miko's excited squeal, "This is the living room! We've got all these windows so you can see the sunset...it's so cool! And look this is my guitar stand!" She pointed at the empty stand, positioned near the back of the lush living room, "My guitar is in my room, so I'll show it to you guys later!" Rose's voice echoed to them from somewhere to their right, most likely in the adjacent room, "Miko! Didn't I tell you to put your project away?" Miko winced before rushing off into the room, "Sorry Mom!" Miko returned a few minutes later with a work-in-progress art college in her arms, racing down a side hall to set the project away. Rose stood watching from the doorway, her arms crossed against her chest as she watched the girl run loudly down the hall and into her room. She smiled at the group when she'd gained their attention, throwing her arms out to motion to the living room, "Sit, relax...I've got snacks, and drinks in the kitchen..." She pointed to the room behind her before continuing, "...and you're welcome to the games and TV whenever...the patio's in the back, and you guys can explore when you like." The group split off from each other, the majority of the team settling into the living room to chat amongst themselves. Rose approached the group standing toward the back, still unsure of what to do with themselves; Optimus, Ratchet, Drift, and Ultra Magnus. Rose smiled at them softly before beckoning to them, pointing at the spiral staircase toward the back of the room, "That leads up to my study...the library's in the back if you'd feel more comfortable up there?" Ultra Magnus eased onto his feet with a thankful nod, leaving behind the group to explore the upper sections, uncomfortable with the idea of relaxing. Drift shook his head with a small smile her way, "Do you need any help hosting?" Rose chuckled, side-hugging the surprised samurai, "No I've got it...but if you really want, you can bring out some of the games so they don't mess up the kitchen." Drift nodded, a faint blush dusting his cheeks and he excused himself to the kitchen area; already knowing the layout from previous visits with his mini-cons. She shook her head as her friend left, turning her attention to her creators, "What do you guys want to do?" Ratchet eyed the crowded living room, watching as Miko turned on the TV, showing off her Mario Cart racing game, to the infinite excitement of the sports cars in the room. He sighed before looking at Optimus with a pinched expression, unsure of himself. Optimus smiled down at him before an idea popped into his head, "Lennox mentioned earlier that you had a collection?" Rose rubbed at the back of her neck, pursing her lips, "I do...you want to see it?" Optimus nodded, dragging Ratchet with him as their group of three disappeared down the same hall Miko had fled to. Rose followed the hall before coming to a fork, turning to the right side, and heading down a small flight of stairs and into a large hanger. She adjusted the lights and pried a remote out of a subspace within the wall before clicking a button. The blank wall started to cave in on itself, revealing rows of expensive sports cars. Rose walked toward the nearest row and showed them off with a small smile, "Ironically enough...I collect cars." Optimus marveled over her collection with an amused look, "You have a very large collection." Rose nodded sheepishly, "It's been years in the making...some of these cars aren't on the market in the U.S." Ratchet left the two and examined a white Bugatti, "I've never seen you drive any of these." Rose chuckled, "I call them my emergency stash...I usually just drive the standard Rolls-Royce command sends." Ratchet rejoined Optimus as the three of them looked over the collection in silence. After a few minutes, Rose cleared her throat and motioned to the sound of a guitar strumming from upstairs, "I think I'll head back before Miko gets to exited...you staying here?" Optimus eyed Ratchet but the medic shook his head, following after Rose's retreating form, his mate in tow, "I'd like to check out your library...if that's okay?" Rose smiled and lead the group back up the stairs and into the living room where Miko was showing off her guitar's connection to the TV sound systems. She motioned them to the library with a wink, "It's soundproof." Ratchet smiled in relief, even when her tone held a mischievous lilt, pulling Optimus with him, and leading them both up to the next floor. Rose turned back to the group with a warm smile taking over her features. She felt a soft EM field wash over her, alerting her to the bot approaching behind her. She turned, accepting the water glass he'd offered to her with a gracious nod, "Thanks Drift." Drift nodded, nursing his own glass, while his mini-cons left the two behind, joining the rowdy team in the living room. Rose leaned back against the island/bar just outside the kitchen, offering Drift the stool next to her to sit and talk. Drift took the bait after a few moments, a neutral look on his face, "Are you enjoying yourself?" Rose mulled over his question, her tone light, "I am...it feels nice to host people...especially you guys." She chuckled as Miko let Jetstorm and Slipstream hold her instrument, their eyes wide with excitement. Drift leaned back into the bar table, turning to watch Rose laugh with the others at the twin's attempts to pick at the strings with hesitant hands. She stopped laughing after a while, looking at the group with a fond glance before meeting Drift's blatant stare, taken back by his searching look. Rose blinked before her mouth slipped into a soft smile, looking into his vibrant blue eyes before slipping to his lips and back again. Drift leaned forward, catching her lips in a small peck before pulling back his face suddenly grimacing, "My apologies...I shouldn't have done that." Rose furrowed her eyebrows, a smirk replacing her smile, "Really? Cause I think you should've and if you let me...I'll do it again." Drift chuckled, the laugh rumbling through his chest, before leaning forward, pulling Rose to him, and placing another kiss on her lips, this one deeper and longer. The two parted after a while, Drift's hand still in hers, "So how long has this been a thing?" Lennox smirked at the two, lowering his voice so he didn't distract the rest from the living room. Drift turned to Rose, their private Amica bond pinging, "Since I first saw you again." Rose laughed sweetly at his statement before expressing out loud, "Since right now." Drift nodded along, kissing the back of the hand he was holding protectively, narrowing his eyes challenging at the XO but Lennox merely smiled warmly, "Treat her well.." before slipping into the kitchen to grab drinks for the group. 

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