Renewing Vows!

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Someone bounced me out of the bed. I looked up at June and Webby, who were on the bed, and Della, who was laughing hovering by the door.

"Raise and shine," Della said.

"Breakfast time?" May asked, rubbing her eyes.

"We've got it covered!" Webby said, holding out a tray.

"Breakfast on the floor. My favorite," I chuckled, standing.

"Come on. We're already behind schedule," Della said.

Webby put the plate on my desk and Della unrolled a mat of makeup and hair products. Lena and Daisy came in. Daisy started giving the kids a makeover. May slipped out of the room. I smiled at the scene as Webby eagerly sat in the chair. I pulled Della over to the side.

"I need to talk to Gladstone real quick," I said.

"Why?" she asked.

"I'm not asking. I'm just telling you so you don't burn the house down looking for me. I'll be back in thirty," I said, walking out of the door.

I went the opposite way than last time. I saw Gladstone as he was looking at a mirror in the hall. I appeared behind him. He spun ungraciously and fidgeted with his outfit.

"Oh ____, I thought Della would have you tied up all morning,"  he said, eyeing over my shoulder.

"Gladstone, what do you remember about yesterday?"

"Everything and I don't know how you pulled this off but Donald is pretty confused now," he chuckled. He looked back down the hallway.

"Who are you waiting on?"

"Uncle Scrooge, actually. He asked me to meet him. I may not stoop to believe in bad luck but isn't there a tradition or something?"

"Yea. Wouldn't want a repeat. But thank you again." I looked him over, taking in his suit. "You don't have to change your mind on going."

He gave me a confused look. "I'm not."

I heard Scrooge speaking with someone as they walked down the hall. I scurried down the hall.

I ran smack into Ludwig.

"Sorry I didn't see you," I said.

"There you are. Vat is going on around here?" he asked.

"Don't worry about it. Did you need something?"

He looked around and pulled me into Scrooge's office.

"Yes I wanted to give you this," he handed me a small box. "Finch has been helping us with finding a few missing mysteries that Bradford didn't know about. I thought Scrooge's Other Bin would be a suitable place for this."

He slipped out leaving me alone. I opened the box. It was a dress pin. It was humming with magic. I dropped it back in the box. The door swung open. I locked eyes with Beakley.

"There you are."

"I know Della's looking for me. Can you do me a favor? Two actually?" I asked.

"Two?" She looked skeptical but surprisingly smiled.

"Put this away please. I think it's cursed and we don't need it getting out today."

She looked like she was going to say something augmentative but just nodded and took it.

"We will need to neutralize it soon."

"But not today," I said.

"That's only one," she hummed.

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