Strife in the Swansylvanian!

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Scrooge was distracted by something on his phone the entire flight. After a few hours, I put a hand on his shoulder to make him stop pacing and look up.

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing," he said. I eyed him. "It's someone else's problem."

"Now I'm curious."

"Love," he sighed. After a minute he said, "Ludwig told me about an old SHUSH property that FOWL turned into a stronghold. He wanted me to check it out. But I'm gonna have Gizmo go and check it out."

I grabbed the phone and flipped through the email from SHUSH. I saw the address and it was close to where we were heading. I couldn't help but notice how urgent the tone was.

"We should check this out," I sighed.

"Love no," he said.

"If it has to do with FOWL we should investigate," he went to protest but I stopped him, "I don't want to and probably wouldn't suggest it if I wasn't concerned about what information they have on the girls. I don't want anyone getting any dump ideas and coming after them."

"You're right," he sighed, looking at sleeping girls. "But I think we should keep them far away from it."

"Agreed. No need to worry them, if we don't have to."

He went to tell LP about the change in plan. The plane dipped and Scrooge returned. He sat beside me as I watched out the window. We neared the destination and the change from green fields to cobble winding roads lined with squatty buildings that seemed to lead to a town. On a nearby hill, a sinister-looking castle loomed above the rest of the town. When we landed the girls were just waking up. I called them over to me.

"We are making a pit stop. Me and Scrooge need to check something out. You guys are going to go with Launchpad."

"What?" - M "Why?" - W "Can't we come with you?" - J "I thought we weren't adventuring for the next few weeks?" - B

"I know but me and Scrooge really need to check it out. We'll tell you everything once we know it's safe."

"We have fought all kinds of baddies? What makes this one any different?" Webby asked.

I didn't know what to say but Scrooge saved me.

"It's not a real mission. Me and ___ need to go grab something. We won't have to fight anyone."

We exited the plane and the kids ran through the rotting towards the town. I looked up to the grim castle on the hill. I stared at it. I sighed and we headed up the hill.

We reached the top and walked up the main gate. Warnings were spray painted across the crumbling rock at one point covering up a FOWL logo. Different monsters, with exes in their eyes or over their faces, peered back at us.

"Lovely place," Scrooge grimaced.

We walked up to the gate and it was lying on the ground having rusted away years ago.

"Was this supposed to be a modern FOWL location?"

"Ludwig is very forgetful. All those years probably did not help. There is no telling how long ago it was abandoned."

"Should be an easy job then."

"Somehow that's not comforting," I said.

We walked through the overgrown courtyard. Dead vines crunched under our feet. We reached the front door, and there was a gargoyle, holding a golden ring and its mouth.

"So do we knock?" I asked.

Scrooge was already pushing open the door. Cobwebs smacked him in the face. He swiped wildly. I hid a chuckle and followed. Creatures flew around the room. I couldn't tell if they were birds or bats. They dove at us. I hit the floor in a puff of dust.

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