Twisted Twine!

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My eyes adjusted to non-existent light. I did a quick head count. Daisy stood to my left. Della was on my right. The girls were scared around the dark room that I could tell was a small circle.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"Welcome to the Island of Crete!" Xandra said, appearing.

Her skin offered a faint glow. We could make out cave walls with old paintings that had been chipped away with time. I couldn't make any one picture out but a golden line connected each of the flaking images.

"It looks like a cave," May whispered.

"She means it's on Crete," Webby said.

"Where are the boys?" I asked.

"Well I had to give them some incentive," Xandra hummed.

"So we're bait?" Della asked.

"No... well," Xandra said, making a hand gesture.

"Bait would indicate there's something chasing us," Violet said.

"Xandra," I said.

She beamed and snapped her fingers. The little bit of light she was providing disappeared, leaving the faintest glow from the gold paint that dissipated quickly.

"Well I'm not waiting around to get eaten," Lena said, turning on phone's flashlight.

"Eaten?" Daisy asked, clutching onto Della.

"She's joking. Mostly." Della let out an evil-sounding laugh.

Della started down the hallway after turning on her flashlight. Daisy clung to her. I flipped mine in as well and watched the girls bounce around us. We walked in pitch blackness using our phones as flashlights. Daisy let go of Della's arm after several minutes.

"How are we planning on getting out of here?" Daisy finally managed to ask.

"If it's just a maze then we're just looking for an exit," I said.

"Well that can be that hard," Daisy hummed.

"Now you've jinxed us," Lena said.

On que, there was a loud noise that echoed through the air. The walls shook so violently that rubble bounced off the ground. We all covered our ears.

"Was that what I think it was?" Della asked.

"A bull in a maze? Don't tell me," I whispered.

"It's a Minotaur," Webby said.

"That's so cool!" June shouted.

Another earth-shattering noise rattled through our skulls. I covered Webby's mouth with one hand and one ear with another. The walls shook as the beast lumbered through the darkness towards us.

"Run!" I shouted.

Della led the way. She was holding Daisy's hand again. Webby, Violet, and Lena followed her. I pulled June, who grabbed May and we were the last of the group. We made a few turns and got completely turned around. We stopped when we couldn't hear the bill anymore.

"I'm going to kill Scrooge when we get out of here," Della growled, eyeing Daisy.

I wanted to say 'Get in line.' but June and May looked scared.

"Della!" I snapped. She looked at me confused. "She's joking, girls. Still he should've known better than to challenge a human. Especially since we know nothing about her."

Everyone was quiet and the girls shifted.

"What now?" Daisy finally asked.

"We keep moving," I said, pushing forward.

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