Never Trust A Goat... Or A "Mom"!

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A/N: HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! I actually wasn't late this time. Thanks again @zentthefirst!

I woke up to the girls giggling. There was the smell of slightly burnt food and the kids surrounding Scrooge. They beamed and placed a tray of food on my lap.

"Happy Mother's Day!" They cheered.

"Thank you guys! Did you do this all by yourselves?" I asked, impressed.

"Yes! We have been studying your lessons a bunch!" June cheered.

May blushed but nodded, confirming what her sister said.

"We totally didn't destroy the kitchen," Boyd added. Scrooge chuckled, nodding to let me know that it had indeed been destroyed.

"We cleaned it up!" May protested.

"We have the whole day planned!" Webby said.

They told me about their plans to take me to the pier fair and shopping as they stole bites of food from my plate. Scrooge just smiled as they rambled.

"Let me get dressed and we can get going," I said.

I got dressed and went downstairs. I made some coffee as the girls got ready and the smell drug Jose and Panchito inside.

They poured a glass and Panchito started digging through the cabinets. They had barely spoken or looked at me since the incident a little over a week ago. We had a few more training sessions that were based on safety skills.

"I already ate but if you're hungry I can whip something up," I was cut off.

"Si. Yes," Panchito nodded vigorously, but Jose punched him in the shoulder.

"No, no, no. You've already been so gracious in sharing your home," José said.

"It's fine," I hummed.

Donald joined us and I started on some Spanish Tomato Toast. Panchito had shown me how to make it and no one other than the Caballeros cared for it. I toasted some bread and mixed some garlic and tomatoes. I spread it on the toast. Gladstone walked and looked at the spread in front of him.

"Great," he rolled his eyes.

"If you don't like it you can make your own breakfast," I chuckled.

"You left your room?! I was unaware you did that anymore," Donald scoffed.

"Ha ha ha," Gladstone snapped sarcastically.

"Si amigo. Why is it you decided to stay here? I mean we are still uncovering our ties to the Caballeros. Your life on the other hand is a non-stop party. Surely you can do better than becoming some squatter?" José asked.

Gladstone looked embarrassed and didn't have an explanation. He hadn't told anyone about what happened but the signs were clear that he had lost his luck. He had attempted to play it off and stuck to me and Della, who surprisingly hadn't asked questions. Scrooge also had been surprisingly supportive and hadn't given any of his get-a-job speeches, that I was aware of.

"Says the one who has a whole cabana dedicated to him," I said.

"I see I have misspoken. My apologies," José mumbled.

Gladstone stuck out his tongue like a child and checked the fridge. He pulled out a nearly empty container of OJ he was going to attempt to pour a drink. He unscrewed the lid and opened the cabinet and the cups exploded on him. He panicked and grabbed one and stacked the ones that fell onto the counter. Donald laughed at him as he struggled and Gladstone snapped. He threw the container in retaliation. It bounced off the duck's head and across the counter. I grabbed it so it would stop bouncing. Donald was covered in OJ and so was my counter.

Through Fair and Stormy Weather!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt