[Don’t fly tomorrow, don’t fly tomorrow, don’t fly tomorrow. ]
  Say important things three times. Ruan Ning checks that there are no typos and sends this Weibo post.
  After a while, she refreshed Weibo, which showed 52 views and no comments.
  Well, at least fifty-two people saw it.
  When she was finally comparing the supply list, the WeChat notification on her phone rang again. Ruan Ning knew that it was Chu Dingfeng who had sent her stocking photos, so she opened her phone with a smile.
  She waited for a long time and finally came.
  The photo mainly showed the floor lamp at home, and it was "accidentally" revealed that five large bags of food were placed next to it, as well as a large number of fruits, compressed biscuits, canned meats, etc., and supplies were piled all over the floor.
  Attachment: "I accidentally broke the floor lamp yesterday. I replaced it with a new one for only 8,000 yuan." "
  I give full marks to this outfit." Ruan Ning smiled at the photo and forwarded it skillfully.
  She and Chu Dingfeng have three overlapping groups. The first is the company's large group, the second is the department's small group, and the third is the all owners group established by the community property management.
  Their tenants are also inside.
  Ruan Ning directly forwarded all three groups and typed righteously: "Chu Dingfeng, please stop sending me inexplicable photos. I said I don't like you." The
  three groups were immediately wowed.
  Now everyone is paying attention to the gossip, but after tomorrow, they will remember what is the most important thing in this photo.
  Ruan Ning showed her real green tea skills: "Please don't bother me again, otherwise I will report you for harassment." "I
  blocked you on WeChat, don't harass me again!!!"
  Three exclamation marks are not enough, you must come again. A few people added to the fun: "!!!!!!"
  Ruan Ning sent out the photo of the 120,000 bill from the Western restaurant: "Also, don't think that you can do whatever you want if you have money. No matter how rich you are, even if you save money at home, Even if you have one million gold, I won't like you."
  This is mainly for owners who don't know the truth.
  One million gold is of course nonsense, but if there is one lie mixed in among ten truths, even if others don't believe it, they can't help but think about it.
  Are you hoarding gold at home?
  You know, in the end of the world, money is just waste paper, but gold will circulate for a period of time.
  After sending these, Ruan Ning quickly cut to the company group and saw a lot of question marks.
  There was a dead silence among the owners at first, and then two people with the avatars of uncles popped up and joked that the young man was really good at playing.
  In fact, the group was not very lively. Ruan Ning knew that these people must be chatting privately, so she spread the two photos to the entire circle of friends to watch.
  The propagation effect should be good.
  After exiting WeChat with a smile, Ruan Ning looked at the Weibo post she had posted. The number of views reached 125.
  It should mean that 125 people have watched it, right? I don’t know if anyone will believe it or if I can save anyone.
  The super flare suddenly erupted at 6:30 pm on September 2, 2024.
  Ruan Ning didn't get up until 11 a.m. that day. She slept for a full ten hours. She didn't know if she would have the chance to sleep for such a long time again in the future.
  After washing, Ruan Ning emptied the refrigerator and picked up her phone to check yesterday's Weibo.
  The number of reads is 137, basically no growth.
  Even if the reading volume represents how many people have seen it, there are only a few of the 137 people who know how to fly, and even fewer of them believe her. Ruan Ning sighed in her heart and prepared to put away her phone and go downstairs.
  Only then did she realize that she had many unread messages on WeChat.
  After clicking on many boring people to add as friends, Ruan Ning simply ignored them.
  There were also former colleagues who asked her what was going on, including her second-generation rich ex-boyfriend, but Ruan Ning still ignored her.
  However, Ruan Ning responded to Zhou Xiaoran's message, telling her that Chu Dingfeng went crazy to pursue her and actually borrowed loan sharks to pretend to be a rich man.

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