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Request from sydonyx. Thank you and I hope you like this!


I've always been a jealous person. Bitter, even. It's not healthy. I know that. But I just can't help but feel intense jealousy towards Noodle right now.

Seeing her hug her mum outside of the library made me smile. I'm mostly happy for her. All she ever wanted was to have family who loves her. And judging by the way her mom wrapped her arms around her, meeting for the first time in years, I couldn't help but feel a tiny bit jealous. What I wouldn't give to be hugged like that by my mother...

I thought that horrible feeling of jealousy would have died. But hours later it still kept me up. I twisted and turned in our bed, fighting the cover. It felt impossible to find a comfortable sleeping position.

I sat up in the bed and sighed. Doesn't seem like there will be a lot of sleep tonight. I glanced over at Willy. He had fallen asleep immediately. The latest events had of course made him tired. It's tiresome to bring down a cartel.

For a short moment, I thought about waking Willy up. I honestly would have loved the company. But seeing the way he breathed gently, sleeping without a worry in the world, I knew I couldn't be selfish and wake him up. I know that he would keep me company without a single complaint. He cares so much about me, even before we officially became a couple. Sometimes I'm not sure I deserve it.

Quietly, I stepped out of the bed onto the cold floor. With light feet, I slowly sneaked out of the little room and walked out to the store.

When Willy and the others had bought this store, it turned out to have a tiny room in the back. I suppose it might have been used as storage room previously, but Willy had turned it into his room. Basically living in his shop.

It was dark, of course but my eyes quickly adapted to the darkness and I found my way to the window beside door. I sat down at the window, looking out at the empty and dark street.

My mother has never really been a mother. Sure, she gave me food after she had eaten. Sure, she gave me a place to sleep. Roof over my head. Which she happily reminded me of every time I talked back.

I heard familiar footsteps walk up to me. Willy sat down across from me in the window and looked at me with tired eyes. His brown curly hair were messier than ever and he could barely keep his eyes opened.

"I'm sorry," I began with a low voice. "Did I wake you up?"

"Don't you-" He began, before letting out a yawn. He shook his head. "Don't you worry. I'm just awake to be awake!" He mumbled.

"I don't know if I believe that." I said, smiling towards him. He's adorable. A bit weird and special. But that's what I love about him. He is exactly who he wants to be. He isn't hiding behind a mask or something.

"More importantly, why are you awake Y/n?" He asked, leaning back to the wall.

"I'm just..." The words died while I was trying to figure out what to say next. "I'm just thinking about my own mom." I admitted.

Suddenly he looked alert.

"Do you want to talk about her?" He asked gently. I haven't told him a lot about my mother. Only that we're not close.

I looked outside the window again. I don't know why I even get upset by this. I don't need her. I'm a grown person and I can take care of myself.

"I... She would always treat me so well in public. But once we were behind locked door... She could be so mean sometimes. She critized everything I did. Even if I had done it perfectly. Nothing was ever good enough for er. I was never good enough for er." I talked, feeling like a weight had fallen off my shoulder as I spoke.

Willy nodded, looking at me. His eyes were filled with warmth. He reached a hand towards me and I held his hand in mine.

"I just... I sometimes wish I had a good relationship with my mom. You know?" I said, looking out the window. Willy squeezed my hand a little, making me look back at him.

"Have you tried talking with her lately?" He asked carefully. I shook my head. "Do you think that would help?" He asked. I shook my head once again.

"She doesn't do well with criticism."

"You're not criticising. You are never wrong for saying what you want and telling what you need." He said, assuring me.

"You should tell her that." I answered in an attempt to make a light hearted joke. "But hey, it doesn't matter. To her I'm a big disappointment. She has called me a waste of nine months before." I laughed coldly at the last part. Willy didn't laugh with me, only kept looking at me with those eyes of his.

"Y/n," He said, before moving closer to me. He cupped my face with his hands, stroking my chin in tiny cirkles with his thumb. "You are anything but a disappointment. I know that you may never have a good realationship with your mother. But I also know that you are worth better than someone who can't see how extraordinary you are."

I smiled against him, and leaned into his hands.

"She was wrong about you. You are so capable and so strong. I knew from the first time I feel down the launderette that you were special. Like the rarest of flavours."

I chuckled.

"Thank you." I said quietly. He leaned in and kissed me on my forehead, making me smile even more.

"Now, how about I make us some hot chocolate and we can talk. If you want?" He stood up, while not letting me go with his gaze. He gave me a smile. "I'll do yours exactly the way you like them."

"I'd love that." I answered. "Thank you, Willy. You always know how to make me feel better and I appreciate you so much."

He placed a hand over his heart, smiling.

"Anytime, darling. I'll be right back with some hot chocolate."

Willy Wonka - Oneshots (2023)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora