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Credit to xAmIk0x for the request and idea. Once again, thanks for reading.


Chocolate is so overrated. I've never understand how some people can love it so much. It's too sweet, too slimy and well, not for me.

"Please try this one." Wonka placed down another praline infront of me. I rolled my eyes.

"Why? I've told you a million time that I find chocolate to be disgusting." Willy Wonka placed a hand over his heart, like I had just insulted his dead mother.

Willy decided not to answer and jumped on his bed, and sat down right across from me. He must be one of the weirder people that Mrs. Scrubbit has ever managed to trick into her personal form of slavery. I believe that I accidentally insulted the weird magician when I mentioned that I don't love chocolate. He took that personally and that day he promised the he would find one that I would love. Not like. Love.

"Please." He pleaded with those hazelcoloured eyes of his, and I knew I would have to give in.

"Fine." I said and placed the piece of chocolate into my mouth. I spit it out after a second. "No. What did you put in that? It tasted like monkey poop."

Willy Wonka stared at me like I had spontaneously grown a second head.

"I put some coconut flavour and a ray of sunshine in it, to bring out some light. It seemed like you needed it, since you're always is such a dark mood."

"Well, the only thing you managed to bring out was my gag reflex." I retorded.

Then he started to mimick my voice. "The only thing you managed-", he stopped himself mid sentence, and ran a hand through his brown hair. "Well you must like something. What is your favorite flavour? Tell me and I will make it for you."

I shrugged.

"I like pasta."

He looked at me with a disappointed look.


"Yes. Pasta."

"Y/n, I can't make pasta flavoured chocolate."

"I thought you were the chocolatier." I said mockingly. Willy nodded aggressively.

"I am." He said in a defensive tone. "But pasta in chocolate would be a hate crime against chocolate."

I stood up from the chair and walked to his door.

"I just don't like your chocolate." As I was about to open the door, Willy suddenly towered over me. His arms were placed on each side of me, caging me in. He looked crazy. He has always looked somewhat crazy, but now he looked insane.

"Everyone loves my chocolate." He said, determined to keep that as the truth. I laughed.

"I don't."

"You will. Don't you worry, Y/n. You may be a bit loopy, but I will find the flavour for you." His smile radiated confidence. If someone took pride in his work, it was Willy Wonka.

"Sure there." I said, patting him on his shoulder. "I'm never going to like your chocolate."

Willy leaned in just a little closer, but suddenly it was as if I had just realised just how close he had really gotten. He had to lean down a little to be on my level.

"You'll come crawling back for more of my chocolate in no time. Don't you worry, loopy."

Willy Wonka - Oneshots (2023)Where stories live. Discover now