Death by chocolate

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Request by Nightmyers2021. Thank you and I hope you like it!


Slugworth, alongside Mr. Fickelgruber and Mr. Prodnose were the definition of pure greed. They don't care about chocolate. They don't care about people. All they care about is having more. More money, more power, more chocolate.

Staring as their faces, I remembered Noodles words. That the greedy beats the needy. Seeing as the door closed, trapping me and Wonka in the chocolate vault, I realised that Noodle was right.

Chocolate started filling up the chamber and I stared at Willy as he rambled. I could see in his eyes that he was scared.

He tried to lighten the mood by telling me that if we are to die by chocolate, it should be by his chocolate.

"Y/n, I'm sorry." He said suddenly, with a low serious tone. I shook my head violently.

"No! We are going to survive this." I said as I pushed with my arms and legs. Swimming in chocolate felt different than swimming in water. It's heavier. And I could already feel how my muscles were on the verge of fatigue.

"Y/n, I-" Willy started saying, as he struggled to keep his head above the chocolate surface.

"Don't talk, focus on swimming." I ordered him. I looked up and saw the glass. "We can try to float up there and then call for help!" I said, feeling the hope fight its way back.

But all hope died when Mr. Slugworth, alongside Mr. Fickelgruber and Mr. Prodnose appeared above us. They were smiling at us, as we were about to drown in chocolate.

I looked down on Willy and met his soft gaze. All hope is lost.

My legs thrashed and I struggled hard against the heavy liquid chocolate, but already my battle was nearly over. I can't keep this up for much longer. And I know that Willy understood that without even asking.

He swam closer and pulled me into him, into one last desperate hug. My heart melted, similar to the liquid chocolate that was surrounding us.

"I need to tell you how I feel, because-." Willy said as he fought against the chocolate. He was interrupted by the need to stay above the surface, but his eyes told me more than his words could ever.

Me and Willy has never talked about this. Our feelings. We never thought that our time might run out. My instincts told me to panic, my conscience told me to take a breath in.

I took a deep breath... Before sinking underneath the surface. I felt soft fingertips trying to grasp at me but it was too late; I was far under now.

That until Willy fought against the chocolate to reach me. He grabbed my arm and pulled me up, supporting my body with his own. Almost acting like my buoy. He held my face up, toward the tiny airbubble that was still left, while sacrificing his own stability.

"Breathe, come on, breathe for me Y/n." I've never heard Willy beg like this before.

Still feeling dizzy, I took a deep breath. But the chocolate was still filling up, threatening our tiny bubble of air.

"Good, good. Y/n, I need you to take a deep breath. Do it now!"

Those were the last words I heard Willy say before disappearing underneath the surface.

Last amount of air escaped my lips and I was surrounded by darkness. Like a heavy blanket wrapped around me. I wanted to fight. I wanted to help Willy. But the liquid chocolate had already won.

Willy... I love you too.

Willy Wonka - Oneshots (2023)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن