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Credit to broadway0baby for the request and idea. Thank you, and I hope you like it!


The nightmares have gotten worse lately. Every night is another battle with the sheets, another fight against my sleep and the demons that haunt me at night. And each night, I wake up, cold and out of breath and sweating.

Usually, I can handle them. I'm usually strong enough to know that my nightmares are nothing but memories from the past. The past is in the past. I won't allow it to affect my future.

I've been "working" for Mrs. Scrubbit for a while now. Years, actually. As a young, homeless girl, I didn't have many options. All I wanted was a warm bed and some food. All I needed was safety. I thought I'd found it when I met Mrs. Scrubbit. And now, I'll doubt that I'll ever be able to pay off my debt.

Like many other nights before, I woke up in the middle of the night. But this time, it was different. My nightmares had taken me to a place I had never wanted to visit again.

I hate to say that I had a traumatic childhood. But becoming homeless was not a choice.

I was awoken by my own screams. I shot up and sat up in my bed, feeling how my sheets had gotten all messed up. Like I'd been fighting them. My heart was beating hard, and I could feel the taste of iron in my mouth.

Tired and exhausted, I sat there, and closed my eyes. But quickly opened them up again. Whenever I close my eyes... I see my nightmare play in front of me.

Tears started running down my face. It didn't matter that I tried to stop it, I couldn't stop crying. My breathing escalated, and I was almost hyperventilating.

Quickly and in nothing else but my nightgown, I ran out of my room. I stopped in front of Willys wooden door and knocked carefully.

I tried to focus on taking deep breaths. And stop crying. But it was in vain.

Willy opened the door, and I saw just as he yawned. His brown hair was messy, like he had just woken up. Which was also probably the case. He was wearing a thin, white shirt and simple brown pants.

He immediately saw that something was wrong. I saw in his eyes that he was looking for an answer to a question he hadn't even spoken, but I shook my head.

Willy opened the door completely, and before I knew it, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug. I cried into his shoulder, creating a wet spot on his shirt.

The hug was as comforting as a cup of hot chocolate. I don't think I could have a better friend than Willy Wonka. He knows about my nightmares. About my past. He also knows that I sometimes don't want to talk about them. Sometimes, I just need some comforting, and he knows that.

"I had a nightmare." I explained into his shoulder.

"I figured." He answered softly as he gently stroked my hair. "Do you want to come in?"

We let go of each other, and Willy backed away. I walked into his room as he closed the door behind me.

I walked by his desk, looking at the tiny chocolate factory he had. The tiny factory had many different tiny jars, containing the different flavours of the world. I believe I saw some lightning and thunder in one?

"Do you have a chocolate that can make you fall asleep?" I asked jokingly and glanced back at Willy.

He gave me a half-smile as he sat down on his bed.

"I would be able to make one if you think that would help." He said, looking at me with soft eyes. "What do you need?" He asked, studying me with his gaze.

I wiped away my tears, feeling a little stupid. But I'm mostly feeling tired.

"I'm tired." I admitted, leaning against his desk. "But I can't fall asleep."

Willy scooched over and pat the spot beside him in the bed. "Come here."

We're just friends, I thought to myself as I sat down beside him in his bed as he pulled me closer.

Under the soft glow of the lamp, our hug felt like a private world, just for us. If we're just friends, then why do I feel so safe with him? Why does his hug give me so much comfort?

He must be my best friend. That's the only explanation.

It didn't take long before we both laid in his bed. He had one arm around my waist as I laid with my head on his chest. I could hear his heartbeat, a soothing rhythm that calmed my nerves. I could almost feel our two hearts, beating as one.

"I hate being afraid." I said quietly.

“I know. But you’re safe now.” He assured. "I will get you out of here, and I will do it soon." He promised.

I relaxed into the hug, my shoulders dropping as tension left my body.

"Thank you." I answered as I glanced up at him. His eyes were almost closed in contentment as he was breathing softly.

It sounds dumb, but I feel like he understands. That he really understands me.

I reached up and placed a tender kiss on his lips. A careful one, just to test the waters. Willy immediately kissed me back. His lips felt so soft and warm. They parted lightly, allowing my tongue to slip inside.

Willy kissed me gently as he pulled me even closer. Our bodies are now intertwined. Here is where I belong, in his arms, in his bed.

Willy Wonka - Oneshots (2023)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora