Jealousy pt. 3

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Hi! This continues Jealousy. I recommend reading the other two parts before this one. Thank you!


Bye, Willy.

His words kept on replaying in my head. The way he had touched me, held my hand when we were dancing... My skin wasn't the same after. I felt marked.

Antonio was deep into his work, ignoring me as I walked in to the hotel room. I didn't say anything to him either, barely looked at him as I walked past him and sat down on the bed.

Why am I even here? Willy used to talk about his dream all the time when we were kids. How people would travel from all over the world, just to taste his chocolate. He wanted to bring people together, to help them share a bonding moment over some sweets. And, also of course to honor his dear mother.

But seeing him again, years later... I'm ashamed to admit it but it feels different. Everything has changed. The way my body reacted to him... I'd be a fool to try to deny it any longer.

I glanced up at Antonios back. Guilt washed over me as my boyfriend kept working. I can't do that to him. He deserves better. That reaction I had to Willy earlier... That was just me being confused. I nodded absentmindedly.

"Hey, Antonio," I tried to keep a upbeat tone, as I stood up and walked over to him. "How about you and I go out tonight? I saw a gorgeous looking restaurant earlier that we could try." I gave him a playful poke.

He looked up at me, but it was like he wasn't really seeing me. "Sorry Y/n, but I really need to work. But could you go and order some food for us and bring it back? Thanks." He said before returning to his works.

I sighed. Come on, please spend time with me!

"I would really like us to do something toget-" I began, but immediately stopped when I heard his deep, annoyed sigh.

"Look, you're kind of suffocating me. We went to that chocolate store, like you wanted. And now I want to work. Is that hard to understand?" He said coldly and looked at me.

That stung.

Suddenly I felt dumb. Annoying. Needy. I took a step back, uttering an empty "oh,".

For a short moment, I thought back to what Willy had asked me earlier. "Do you love him?". Back then, I knew the answer to that question immediately. But right now... I'm not as sure anymore.

I stared at him as he continued working. I had this tingling sensation, a kind of pressure in my throat that climbed up my face. That familiar feeling, of the calm before the storm when I'm about to cry. I swallowed, trying to keep it in and not start to cry.

Antonio looked up, he must have noticed my distraught face. He was quiet for a long time, and then he sighed. "Typical." He said, "Now you're trying to make me feel bad."

"No, I'm not." I answered, shaking my head. "I just-", the words fell flat. I didn't have the energy to explain.

"Yeah, right." Antonio muttered and closed up his books.

I simply stared at him as I thought back to our months together. He was so invested in us in the beginning. But now that I think of it, this isn't the first time he has met me with this energy.

And why would I be thinking about Willy, if I'm in love with Antonio?

A few hours later, I carried my bag as I left the hotel. Tears running down my face as I was trying to force them back.

The streets were empty, since it was during the middle of the night. The stars above me shined like diamonds as the moon lit up my path. It was a bit chilly, so I tried to pull my jacket tighter around my body.

I wiped away the tears and kept walking with a steady pace. Where should I go? I don't think that Willy want to see me right now. After all, he confessed his feelings and I ran away.

But as I didn't know where else to go, I soon found myself on the Galeries Gourmet street. Every store was closed at this hour, of course. Willy's was no exception. The door was locked and the bittersweet realisation that I hadn't planned this at all, dawned on me. Tired, I sat down on the road, while trying to ignore the cold weather that was biting into the bones.

In the silence of the night, my thoughts were louder than a trainwreck. A few tears ran down my face as I thought back to the screaming and fighting that had just took place.

A sound from behind made me quickly turn around. Holding up the door, was no other than Willy Wonka. He looked at me with tired eyes, but he quickly woke up after seeing me.

"Hi, peanut." He said, his voice still a bit raspy from after sleeping. Then he really took a look at me, and his eyes softened.

"What's wrong?" He opened the door more, gesturing for me to come inside. Carrying my bag, I walked in without answering him. I heard Willy close and lock the door behind me.

I turned towards him. God, I must look like a wreck. Willy was in a thin white shirt and his hair was messy, he must have been sleeping right before I met him. Looking in his eyes, was like looking at the sun. I felt warmer underneath his worried gaze.

"We broke up." I explained. Willy was quiet, and then walked me to a couch. I sat down on to the couch and before I could say another word, Willy walked out of the main room, into the backs. He came back a few seconds later  carrying a big ice cream container. The flavour was my favorite one.

"You used to love this one when we were younger, so I assumed that it would still bring some comfort." He said softly as he sat down beside me on the couch. I took it out of his hand and looked at him as he handed me a spoon.

"Thank you. Yes, I still like this one." I smiled towards him, which made him relax for a bit. I popped open the container and tasted it. Closing my eyes as the flavour took over. It's as good as I remember it.

"You just happen to have ice cream too?" I said and opened my eyes, trying to lighten up the mood. He blinked.

"Yes, who wouldn't buy ice cream?" He said, smiling at me. Then his smile faltered, and he looked down on his hands. "What happened?"

I took another spoon of the ice cream and ate it, to avoid answering. I know what happened. Willy did. He wasn't what initiated it, but he was the one that made me realise that I deserve someone who can atleast pretend to be interested in me.

A sigh escaped my lips as I stabbed the ice cream with the spoon. Willy watched me with careful eyes. Tired, I leaned my head on his shoulder. I felt how he tensed up, before he relaxed and repositioned himself so it was more comfortable for me.

"Can I sleep here tonight? I lost my hotel room." I asked, my eyes already closed and me already half asleep.

"Of course." He whispered with a soft, gentle voice. Laying like this, with my head on his shoulder was a bit uncomfortable. But without me even saying, Willy shifted position again, so that I was almost laying on him. I was half laying on his shoulder and half on his chest.

Listening to Willys heartbeat was so much more comforting than I could have ever thought. His heart was beating a little quicker than a normal heart does. But its steady pace was rocking me to sleep. His hand stroking my back in slow motions also helped.

I shouldn't be doing this. I shouldn't be so close to him. I now know of his feelings for me so me being here, listening to his heartbeats while wondering if mine matches, would only confuse him about my feelings. I don't know what I'm feeling. I'm feeling too much.

I don't want to think right now. And Willy is the perfect distraction.

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