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Tw: Body insecurities


I stared at myself in the mirror, turning, twisting and spinning to get a good look at myself. I was wearing the new dress I had been saving up for, the one I had been so captivated by when I first saw it. I glanced at the clock on the wall, before returning my eyes on the mirror. Me and Willy have decided to go and watch a play. A bit of fun, after all hard work of running the store.

But now, wearing the dress, I could only see my flaws. My thighs were thick, too thick. My arms looked like a mans, not small and dainty at all. I sucked in my stomach, to try and lose a few inches, but it only made me feel dumb.

It's hard not to eat chocolate when you love the taste and also have a chocolate making boyfriend.

Ever since Willy Wonka became my boyfriend, I'd gained weight. It wasn't a lot, but I know it was too much. I have to work on running these pounds off, before he dumps me for someone prettier. Willy's not only incredible attractive, he's also a successful chocolate maker. What lady wouldn't be throwing themself, ready to take my place as his beloved.

A quick knock on my door made me turn around. I locked eyes with him and his hazel coloured eyes immediately relaxed as he saw me.

"Hello, my darling." He paused and let his gaze travel all over my body. "You are so beautiful. Are you ready to leave?" He asked, smiling. I returned his smile, but looked away as I stared at myself in the mirror again.

"Do you really think I'm beautiful?" I asked, hating the way the insecurites made my voice break. I glanced at Willy through the mirror. He looked confused, like I had asked him to read something outloud.

Willy blinked. "I don't understand what you're trying to say."

I sighed, turned around and continued: "I don't feel beautiful. I mean, just look at me!"

"I am." He said sincerely as he walked up to me, taking my hands in his. "You are mesmerizing. I have been looking at you ever since the day you walked into my store and every day I lay my eyes upon you, is another moment that I'm captivated by your beauty."

His fingers left mine and moved to the side of my head as he held me still. His thumb did those slow movements that always made me melt like chocolate. He leaned into me with a tender kiss. He stepped even closer, bringing us flush together. His arms, wrapped around my waist, pulling me into his body. I was suddenly surrounded by him, his scent and his body. His body against mine felt like living magic.

I'm starving for more as he leans back, and presses his forehead against mine.

"I don't understand how you could ever doubt your beauty." He whispered, amused. "I love you."

I smiled widely. "I love you too, Willy."

Willy Wonka - Oneshots (2023)Where stories live. Discover now