The Threat of Jealousy

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At first when I saw the girl in the line in front of Louis I wasn't sure who it was, but I knew I recognized her but no matter how long I looked, I couldn't for the life of me figure out who she was.

Louis glanced over at me then and caught me staring at her, I figured I must look a little odd staring at some random person in a cafe. But when he looks at her closer he says something too quiet for me to hear presumably her name and she turn to look at him recognition all over her features. That's when I realized, the girl was Eleanor Calder, Louis' ex-girlfriend.

Now they're both standing at the counter waiting for their drinks to come talking casually about something, I have no idea what though since I'm too far away to hear them. I see a dark look pass over Louis' face, I obviously can't be sure why but it seems being around Eleanor calms him down enough to let it go.

I can feel hatred rising up inside of me, a part of me knows it's completely stupid of me to be getting so jealous but this is our first date and now it's going to be completely ruined because his ex-girlfriend just had to show up at the same cafe as us at the exact same time! I mean what are the odds of that anyway?

I see Louis start, as if he's just realized something super crazy or seen a ghost and then he looks over to the corner where I'm currently residing probably staring daggers at him. I quickly try to look less angry and I know I probably only succeed enough to make myself look mildly angry, which I figure is probably better than dagger staring anger. So not a complete failure here. But it mostly is.

His face turns from pale and blank to concerned and he grabs the drinks the second the barista sets them on the counter, Eleanor looks over at me after he says something and it dawns on her who I am, maybe Dani told her about me, I know Dani and Eleanor are still friends.

They exchange a couple more words before she walks out the door and I have to stop my imagination from putting words into their mouths that would turn this day into a nightmare but my mind still attempts to make me think they are setting a time for a date or something like that.

Louis turns away from the door and starts making his way towards me looking very visibly nervous making me feel even more nervous. He's probably worried about having to come over here and tell me that he just doesn't think it'll work out with us, and that we can still be friends.

I feel like a huge stone is falling into my stomach and much opposite to my feelings earlier tonight, I really want to just stand up and run far, far away from here and never have to face Louis again.

“Taylor.” he says looking a little lost for words.

“Thanks for the drink.” I tell him motioning to the mocha frappuccino with extra whipped cream he'd set in-front of me.

“” he starts awkwardly and I nod, wordlessly urging him to go on.

I know I could just jump in right now, beg and plead for him not to break up with me for her, if in fact that is what he's about to do. But I know if I remember this moment later in life or even later tonight I'll hate that I looked like a blubbering baby, so I force myself to remain silent.

“About what happened over there, I know you saw and I'm sure you realized that she was my ex-girlfriend Eleanor, I didn't even know she was in San Francisco, she said Dani invited her but it seems nobody wanted to let me know she was here.” the dark look from earlier passes over his face again. “Anyway, even though I know that probably looked sort of suspicious, I promise she means nothing to me anymore, please say you're not mad at me about it. I really like you Taylor, I wanted our first date to be absolutely perfect, I'm really sorry this happened.”

it's as if the stone has been lifted from my stomach and I suddenly feel ten times lighter. I let out a quiet breath, one that I didn't even know I was holding in because carefully choosing the words of my reply.

“Louis, I'm not angry at you, I couldn't get angry at you just for talking to another girl, that really wouldn't be fair of me. I'm not going to deny I was getting a little jealous, I mean Eleanor is beautiful and you and her have so much history, but if you tell me that she means nothing to you anymore than I completely believe you. There's nothing to apologize for, you didn't do anything wrong, you couldn't have known Eleanor was even in the country let alone the same cafe we were going into.”

“You're amazing Taylor you know that? And every bit as beautiful as Eleanor if not more, you have nothing to be jealous of.”

What did everyone think? It wasn't very dramatic I know, or I don't think it was, but it was their first date I thought I shouldn't make it too hard for them. I'm excited for the next chapter! 10 comments for update on Wednesday or Thursday otherwise it'll probably be Friday.




Love you all!

Logan xx

PS anyone have a better chapter name, cuz this one sucks but i couldnt think of anything.

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