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I looked at my wrist watch, 6:30 pm, 3 hours of waiting in his office. I walked to the glass walls at a side and looked at the view outside- the whole city under the glowing light of the sun which was slowly setting in the beautiful vibrant colours along with the clouds which reflected the same aura. I smiled, sky and space always help me calm down.

Just then, I heard the door knob twisting. I know it's him but I refused to react. He slowly and sneakily came and stood behind me. I internally smiled but I need my revenge for this 3 hours long wait, so I elbowed him in the abdomen. It wasn't too hard, but enough to showcase my anger. Also, even I did hit him, it's not like he will get hurt like come on he's a total fitness freak and works out daily in the gym for almost 4 hours that too early morning for his hulk kinda body.
* sighs *

He turned me to face him and my shoulders,"Cupcake, I know you're angry but try to understand, I was really really busy! And as soon as the work got finished I ran a sprint till here."
"Yeah, right. You are always busy, you never have time for us." Came my uninterested reply.
"No, small sis, it's not like that. You know how this mafia shit is, it may need you anytime and you have to go, especially when you are the damn leader. On top of that, I also have a company to handle." He tried his best to justify and pouted.
However, we both knew very well what I wanted him to ask.

He sighed,"Fine, what do you want me to do for you to forgive me?"
I smiled extra sweetly," Be my slave for 2 days. And if you insist, I can appoint you this post for a bit longer also."
"Are you serious?" He deadpanned.
"Well, no. Afterall I am not as heartless as you Kyle. But, I still need you to assist me as it's Anne's birthday day after tomorrow, which I know you won't remember due to your goldfish like memory."

He dramatically put a hand on his chest," Oh! I am so hurt. Come on I remember my angel's birthday."

I gave him a stern look,"Do I look like I care?"
"Accept it kiddo, you care about your big bro and Anne." He instantly replied.
He's right though. I love them both more than my life but I never accept it verbally. However, I do show them that through my actions.
"If I wasn't angry, I might have even accepted it. So now, don't you dare change the topic!" He pointed my index finger at him.
He raised both his hands in surrender," Fine. So in short, you need me to plan a suprise birthday party for Anne and only then you will forgive me, right?"
I nodded," Right. So tell me, deal or no deal?"

"Deal" He said and smiled.
I immediately smiled and hugged him,"That's like my big bro."
He hugged me back,"Now, kiddo if you want everything to be perfect, shall we begin to plan?"

"Kyle, don't act like it's one of your mafia missions and you came to take the mastermind's help to what's the need to plan can't we directly do it?" I pointed towards myself while speaking mastermind and pouted at the end.
"As much as you plan it everytime, I am the one who goes to fight" he said.
"Also, We need to decide things for the party which calls for planning. So, shall we?" He further added.

I nodded,"Fine."

He went towards his desk, collected his stuff and started walking outside while signalling me to follow him.
I did not follow. He noticed that and turned back.
"What's wrong, cupcake?" He asked.
"You are supposed to assist me and not the other way round." I replied.
"Fine" he exaggerated. I couldn't help but laugh.
"Now, if you order, can we please move out, boss?" He said aur quotting boss.
I giggled," Yes ofcourse what are you even waiting for?"

He gave me an 'are you serious' look but nonetheless smiled.

It took us freaking 3 hours to finalize the decorations and eatables. Everything has been ordered, the decorations will reach tomorrow at Kyle's penthouse and the eatables will reach day after tomorrow 30min before the party. Only the guest list was left undone which I will do tomorrow. I look med at my surroundings, I was at my favourite cafe which was near Kyle's office because apparently Kyle needed 'some fresh air'.

My phone pinged with a notification. I looked at it, it was a text from Lucas to call him. I replied him that I will be call him soon since I am with by brother right now. He texted me ok along with a thumbs up emoji but also added to do it asap.
I wondered what was so important.
"Kiddo, you planning to go home or do you want the whole cafe supplies to end?" He asked dead serious.
"Huh?" Was all I could come up with.
"Come on small sis, it's your 7th choclate milkshake since the last 3 hours." He rolled his eyes.
I pouted,"Just one more! It will be the last one! Please! please! please please!"
"Fine" he smiled.

I know it's a lot but who can someone say no to a chocolate milkshake. After that I happily drank one more glass of chocolate milkshake and then we went home in my car.

As soon I entered our mansion, I was engulfed in a bone crushing hug by Anne.
"Kate, you guys are okay right? You know I was so worried." Came her concerned voice.
"Don't worry Anne. We am totally fine. See!" I assured her.
Well, I did expect that reaction from her afterall we were almost 2 hours late from our usual time. She loved us both over the margin so it was justified of her to feel scared for us. What she did not knew was that we, as in I and Kyle, were not so innocent like her, yes we never did something that could be considered morally corupt but we did kill people. After our parents death, Kyle was forced to take over the mafia at just the age of 15. I was offered the AK enterprises of my dad but I denied since I had an option but unfortunately Kyle did not have the option.

"How was school?" I asked her lovingly.
"Amazing, you know Marilla has also taken her admissions there." She replied excited.
"Oh that will be great" I said.
"And you know I also made you guys dinner today" She said nervously.
"Aww! My angel!" Kyle said and kissed her forehead. I smiled.

After that we all went to our rooms to freshen up. Then came back to eat dinner.

Anne had made the dinner really delicious so we praised her in awe.

We retired back to our rooms after wishing each other good night. However, I wasn't feeling too sleepy so thought to work on my incomplete novel. After a while, I started feeling sleepy so I called it a night.

Authors note

Hi guys!!!!
So the first chapter of this book is up. Hope you like it.
Also, aren't the guys up in the story cute??
However, I wrote this chapter in order to give you a slight intro about the fl's life and bond with her family.
Don't worry the male lead would be introduced soon.

See ya!!!!!

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