Let's Go On A Quest [pt 2]

Start from the beginning

"Percy, don't." Annabeth snapped. Ayden was standing in Percy's line of sight even if he did try to look she would be blocking him. Her eyes were on Alecto behind them. Ayden knew she could kill the creature in moments. "She's a monster."

"We all choose, who we make our monsters," Medusa called. "And right now, that one wants to tear you limb from limb and I'm offering you lunch. The choice is yours." Ayden heard her heels click and then stop. "Oh and Ayden before you think of killing Alecto, she isn't as naive as her sisters. She knows what you can do." Her heels clicked once more as she moved behind the statues. Ayden looked over her shoulder seeing her retreat. Percy was staring ahead at Ayden watching the girl's emotions move across her features.

"I think we can trust her," Percy muttered. Ayden turned fast seeing him look at her.


"Dude?!" Grover shook his head.

"I can't explain it. I just–I–my mom used to tell me her story. And the point is that she isn't what people think. And I definitely trust my mom," Percy looked at each of them. His eyes settled on Ayden as she gave him a slight nod. "So I'm going in." He looked at Grover and Annabeth. "You both do what you want." Percy moved forward with Ayden just behind him. They walked around the statues seeing the door slightly ajar.

"That's welcoming," Ayden muttered. "Let me go first."

"No, I got it," Percy added as he pushed her back gently. He pushed the door open slowly. Both of them scanned the room. Grover came up behind them as they walked through the first room. It seemed like a pleasant sitting room. The next was a dining hall with plates and platters of food all over the table.

"You must be hungry," Medusa called from the other room. Ayden grabbed Percy's arm making him stop for a moment. "I left some snacks on the tabel while I get something proper going."

"Sorry," Ayden muttered as she released Percy's arm moving further into the room.

"Do you think it's safe to eat?" Percy asked as Grover stood beside him.

"Percy, I'm not going to lie to you, I'm really hungry and I'm ready to take that chance," Grover admitted. Ayden laughed lightly as she moved around the table observing 'the snacks'. A bell chimed as Annabeth walked in.

"Thanks for coming," Percy stared at her.

"This isn't the same for me as it is for you," She shook her head moved over to the other side of the room, and took a seat with Ayden.


"You are concerned I would hold a grudge against you simply because you are a daughter of Athena," Medusa came into the room. Each of them immediately looked at the ground keeping their eyes low.

"You shouldn't be. We aren't our parents after all," Medusa poured lemonade into a few glasses. "And you and I might have more in common than you think." She walked around the table pouring lemonade into the boy's glasses. "Please, sit, eat." Percy and Grover moved forward carefully taking a seat. Ayden sat down as well, but Annabeth stood next to her chair.

"If you aren't a monster, then what are you then?" Percy asked as he picked up his utensils and started moving the food around his plate, adding a few things from the center of the table to his meal.

"A survivor," Medusa answered proudly.

"You must be a little more than that. There's a Fury outside that seems terrified of you."

"It's because she knows what I think of her," Medusa sighed. Ayden reached forward grabbing one of the meringue's off the plate and taking a bite. The sugar melted on her tongue. She had always been a fan of sweet things. "I don't like bullies. When one shows up on my doorstep, they end up spending a lot more time there than they planned for." Medusa sat down near the far wall. She didn't take a seat at the head of the table. Grover and Percy both took bites of their food. "The gift that the gods gave me is that I cannot be bullied anymore."

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