"You idiot sit down!Your disturbing the rest of the people here!",Retsu tried to get Baki to sit as people around them had started to stare.

Doppo->"Y/n has spotted us!,she's coming this way so there is no need to shout or wave!"

"Good morning guys!Thanks for inviting me over Baki!,otherwise I wouldn't have been able to spot your table in such a busy area!"

"See?", Baki smirked at the others that were previously trying to stop him.

Katsumi ->"Have a seat Y/n!We were waiting for you so we could eat together!"

Hanayama->"Do you want me to serve you something?"

"Actually can I get some of that orange juice?I can't reach it..."

Baki->"I'll get it for you!"

Hanayama ->"She agreed on ME to get her that orange juice".

Katsumi ->No need to fight guys,I can do it.

Retsu->"If you keep arguing about it I'm going to smash that jug on one of your heads!"

"Don't tell me we are going to go through this again like last time with the sunscreen",Doppo facepalmed himself.

"Calm down, forget about that juice.I don't think Y/n wants it anymore does she?",Yujiro smirked watching you drool over a strawberry dessert.He passed it to you and without thinking twice you grabbed a spoon and tasted it.





After you all had your breakfast,it was meeting time!, which meant you needed to talk about the mission.Before you did that,you insisted to see the others rooms since each suite in this hotel was decorated differently and you were curious.Since you had finished eating a bit earlier, they agreed on showing you their suites.You and Baki were the most curious among the team, while the others just sighed and gave you a tour of their suites.Yujiro didn't have the same curiosity so he stayed in his suite until you were done.

First Oliva's room!

"Woah! Beautiful pastel purple color!This room has Maria's photos on the walls!"

Everyone ->"He is in love!"

"Alright let's move on to the next room!",Oliva blushed from embarrassment and pushed you all out of the room.

Next we have father and sons room! Doppo's and Katsumi's!

"Hmm!Very elegant grey room!"

Everyone ->"Fancy!"

Next up is the trios room!Baki, Hanayama and Retsu!

A beautiful white suite with 3 beds!Each one of them is different!On Hanayama's bed,all the pillows,bed sheets and blankets are perfectly placed in order!

Everyone ->"Tidy!"

Hanayama ->"Thank you".

Retsu's bed is full of Chinese weapons!

Everyone ->"You better hide those!"

Retsu ->"I didn't have time!"

And at last, Baki's bed which is like somebody bombed it!There are clothes thrown on it,and all the bedsheets have been messed up because of how roughly he was jumping on it!

Book 2! Reader x Baki characters    ~Diamond chase~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang