Made Them Cry (.17)

Start from the beginning

"No. We're dealing with. Right. Now."

"Yeah, right," Jersey laughed.

"What do you think this is? Some kind of negotiation? The man said he'd take care of it. So why don't you take the hint and get out." Dee shouted from his own chair.

"Tweedle Dee, please." Crooked Man said as Sunny loomed over the man. Making him stink in his chair a bit.

"Your boss just confessed to having involvement. This isn't up for debate. He'll be coming in for questioning unless he wants to make things much worse for all of you."

"You think I'm scared of you?" Dee let out a nervous laugh. "You're nothin' more than a-"

"That's enough!" Crooked Man raised his voice and then shook his head in disappointment. "I was hoping it wouldn't come to this, the interest of preserving our alliance... If you have to was Georgie."

"What?" Sunny snapped around in surprise, and Bigby gave Georgie a dirty look.

"However, like I said...I'll be handling the matter if you don't mind."

"You got what you wanted, so just-" Jersey sneered.

"Sit. Down. Now." Crooked Man told him again.

"Yeah, I killed 'em. So what?" Georgie smirked.

"Georgie," Vivian warned. Speaking up for the first time since they got there.

"Why'd you do it? Why kill them?" Bigby growled.

"Does it matter?" Georgie shrugged.

"Look, the fact is... Georgie here misinterpreted one of my instructions-" Crooked Man explained.

"Misinterpreted?!" Georgie shouted.

"And I want to make things right. So...let's work something out," Crooked Man continued as if Georgie hadn't said anything.

"What's there to work out? I'm protected, aren't I?" Georgie yelled again.

"Your protection has limits...and I think you've far exceeded yours," Crooked Man shook his head again. "That you could murder someone in cold blood like that-"

"You fuckin' asked me to do this! You told me to kill them!"

"And then attempt to blame me for it!" Crooked Man said in an offended tone. "You will be silent...while we discuss what to do with you."

"This is right bollocks, this! You're just gonna let him do this?" Georgie looked around the room.

"So what do you say, Sheriff, Deputy?" Crooked Man asked Bigby specially. "Can we discuss terms? You can have Georgie... Consider it a gift...ensuring our continued cooperation."

"What the hell?" Vivian yelled.

"Take this fucker!" Georgie pointed at the Crooked Man. "Take all of 'em! I didn't fuckin' start this!"

"Don't make any trouble, Georgie," Jersey told him.

"Are you seriously throwin' me under the fuckin' carriage? After everything I've done for you?"

Sunny looked around curiously. It was interesting how quickly the cracks broke apart. Less than ten minutes in the room, all the Crooked Man's gang were at each other's throats with only a few questions and comments from her and Bigby.

"I think we'll be taking both of you," Bigby said suddenly.

"You're not taking me, you fuckin' ponce!" Georgie backed away and turned to Crooked Man again. "What the fuck is this shit! You said you'd cover for us!"

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