IV. "You are such a scaredy cat."

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Aashika Rajput

It had been almost a year since I had married Arjun, and trust me when I say I was so surprised to know that these brothers hated each other because their behaviour towards their wives was the same.

All these men did was ignore us or hurl rude comments at us. I didn't mind though, because I threw equally rude words at my good-for-nothing husband. So, we were even.

But, Aastha bhabhi? She was not like me. She cared about her husband even though he did not, and as much as I hated her for it, I couldn't say anything because she and I were two different people with two different personalities. She cared for everyone around her, while I couldn't give two shits about them. We were different like that, and that was what made us best friends.

I couldn't tell what was up with Mishka bhabhi though, because she was always cooped up in her office. It was as if she was running away from reality by drowning herself in piles of work.

Aastha bhabhi and I were the only ones who were here most of the time, because our profession didn't need us to be out for so long. She was a teacher in a high school and I was a social worker, almost a housewife, because my profession didn't need me to be available all the time. Though I did visit the NGO from time to time, just for the sake of it.

Maybe the entrance of the fourth daughter-in-law would change our lives for good. I just hope she would be like me, because then we would kick these brothers' asses for our sisters-in-law.

"Aashika, maybe you should not visit the NGO today." Aastha bhabhi's voice made me snap back to present.


"Because Manasvi is coming today, and you might want to stay here."

"And see the upcoming drama? No, thanks. I'd much rather get bored sitting in my cabin back at the office."

She sighed and dropped the topic, going back to buttering the bread for herself and her husband. I didn't understand why she even bothered to butter the bread for Manav bhai when all he ate for breakfast was plain bread, even though he had toasted bread in front of him everyday.

Such an asshole, I tell you.

"Mishka bhabhi, you are leaving already? It's just 7." Aastha bhabhi's voice made me look up at the entrance of the kitchen to see the eldest daughter-in-law of this family wearing a pair of maroon pants with white shirt and blazer.

"Yes! I have some work I need to do."

In a way, Mishka bhabhi and Aastha bhabhi were the same. Aastha bhabhi made breakfast for her husband, even though he never ate it, and Mishka bhabhi made it her job to clean Dhruv bhai's room when she came at noon to collect her lunch.

Mumma had once offered to send the lunch box to bhabhi with the driver since all the lunch boxes were sent through him to the office where these brothers worked, but she refused saying that this way she could get some fresh air and then she would be able to concentrate on her work with a clear head.

"Okay! You want me to butter some bread for you?" She asked.

"No, it's okay. I will eat something at the cafe."

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