III. "You are doing what?"

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Dhruv Rajput

"You are doing what?" Aastha, Manav's wife, screeched making me stop dead in my track to my room.

I opened the door of the drawing room and saw every member of my family there. I even saw Mishka who was usually invisible.

During these 3 years, I had never seen her roaming around the palace. She was always in her little office or the kitchen. Nowhere else.

"I am marrying Manasvi Shankar by the end of this month." So, he did listen to me, huh?

"But why? Why so suddenly, beta?" Mumma asked, stepping forward to cup Kabir's cheek.

"Because I want to. I am not getting any younger, you know." He joked, earning a light slap from our mother.

"This is not a joke, Kabir. Do you even know the woman you are marrying?"

"Of course, I do. I have every information needed to know that she is perfect for me."

"What does she do?" Papa asked, sitting on the couch with his arms crossed against his chest.

"Oh, she is a chemical engineer." Kabir shrugged.

"Smart, huh? Dhruv, come inside and close the door. I don't want anyone to listen to this conversation." Papa said without turning his head away from Kabir's form.

I was not surprised to see that he knew I was standing here. Papa was an observant man, and nothing escaped from his sharp eyes.

I stepped inside and closed the door before making my way to my wife who seemed to have just come back from her office.

"What is going on here?" I crouched a little to whisper in her ear, and I could say she was not expecting me to converse with her. Well, I won't blame her. I never initiated any type of conversation with her.

"Kabir decided to marry a random woman for God knows what reason. Mumma and Papa are angry because of that."

"Cool." I muttered, before standing up to my full height and viewing the scene in front of me.

Manav, Aastha, Arjun and Aashika were standing at the far corner, seeming to be in some sort of trance. Kabir was standing in the middle, in front of papa and mumma, and Mishka and I were standing behind him.

"If you are marrying her for some sort of revenge, then I swear to God, Kabir, no one would be able to save you from my wrath." Mumma threatened.

It was not always you see my mother being all hulk on someone. She was very sweet, and that was the reason why my father fell for her in the first place, but she could be callous when she wanted to be and even my father was afraid of her then.

"Okay, okay. Calm down, Mumma. I am not going to hurt her. Besides, her mother is the leader of Red Blood, and I am not stupid to make them our enemy."

"Why the sudden urge to get married then?" Papa interrogated further.

"Because all of my brothers are married, and it's time I get married too." He shrugged again, with a smirk visible to only me.

"Okay! Ask her to come here tomorrow." Mumma demanded before making her way out of the room with papa closely following behind.

After my parents left, Mishka left my side to join the other women who were whispering about God knew what.

"Well played, Kabir. What are you going to do with her?" Manav asked, with nothing but disgust in his eyes.

"None of your business." Kabir replied back, with the same tone as Manav.

I sighed and left the three idiots to argue among themselves.

We were not always so distant and cold towards each other. The fire among us brewed after that one night we rued so much.

Initially, we were like any other normal siblings, joking and playing around. But then something happened which lead us to be cold towards each other.

I won't lie and say that I hate my brothers. Of course, I don't. Who would hate their own brothers? But, I sure as hell dislike them enough to want to stay the fuck away from them.

I opened the door of my room to see my clothes, which were lying around on the floor in the morning, were nowhere to be seen. I had no idea how Mishka managed to clean my room when she was almost always busy with her office work.

I almost felt guilty, when I saw my room, for the way I treated her today, but then I remembered that I had vowed to never love her so these feelings were impractical. You shouldn't care about someone you don't love, right?

I shook my head and quickly changed my clothes before Mishka came in the room, though I wouldn't mind if she saw me naked.

"Mr. Rajput? Are you done changing?" How did she know I was changing? Was the door opened all along? Did she see me naked? Oh God!

"How did you know I was changing?" I asked back, just when the door knob turned and the wooden door opened to reveal my wife's tanned skin.

"It isn't rocket science. You never lock your door, except when you are changing. So, I figured it out." She shrugged off her white blazer, leaving her in a pair of black pants and white turtleneck top.

"You are taking the couch." I ordered.

"Yes, I know. If you haven't noticed, I have been taking the couch ever since I married you." She rolled her eyes.

"I hope you are not going to disappoint me." I changed the topic so as to not let the guilt crawl back to me again.


"The deal?"

"Oh, yes. Of course not, sir."

"Don't call me that out of work. I wouldn't mind if you call me 'sir' in bed though." I winked. I swear I didn't mean to flirt, the words just tumbled out of my mouth before I could stop it.

"If we are doing this then, I wouldn't mind you calling me 'ma'am' in bed too. It's kind of sexy when men do that. So, if we are ever having sex, make sure you remember this. I have some kinks of my own, you see." She didn't even wink, but that fucking turned me on.

I thought that the vision of having sex with her was the last thing that would turn me on, yet here we were. With a bulge that was hard to not notice.

Fuck! What was wrong with me?

"And, also, I have better things to do than fuck around with strange men, so if you will excuse me." She pointed out behind me, and that was when I noticed that I was standing in her way.

I sidestepped her and made my way to the bed, while she made her way to the washroom, all the while thinking about the little flirting we just did.

Today was the longest we had ever talked, and today was also the first time she made me hard without even trying to seduce me.

Either this woman had a talent I wasn't aware of, or I was just plain stupid to get hard by just envisioning her naked body.

God, help me.

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