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The house was silent as I sat on the small, cushioned ledge beside my window, my gaze fixed on the distant, bustling streets of the city. My curtains were drawn, allowing small rays of sunlight to slip through, and a cup of coffee sat on the windowsill beside me, the steam curling into the air.

I had woken up in the middle of the night to an empty bed, and found Grey in his own room, his sheets tangled around his waist. The sight had left a sinking feeling in my stomach, and I had spent the rest of the night awake, tossing and turning.

He regretted it.

Greyson didn't want to stay the night with me, and that realization hurt more than I had anticipated. The rational part of me knew that it was simply because he didn't want to get caught, but the other part, the more emotional, irrational part of me, was worried that maybe I had pushed too far. Maybe he had decided that this was too much, that I was too much.

My phone buzzed from its spot beside me, and I grabbed it, glancing at the screen.

Sunshine: if you're not in my bed in the next three minutes I am going to be very upset.

The small knot of anxiety in my chest eased, a small smile spreading across my face as I jumped up from my spot, checking myself over in the mirror before tip–toeing through our shared washroom and opening the door that led into Greyson's room.

Grey groaned as I flung myself on top of him, his arms wrapping around me, his face burying itself in my hair. "Morning, Firelight."

"Sunshine," I greeted, pressing a kiss to his chest.

Greyson's body was warm, and I snuggled closer, a contented sigh escaping my lips. He held me, his fingers trailing up and down my spine, the steady thump of his heartbeat filling my ears. "You never told me why you call me Sunshine," he said softly, and I glanced up at him, resting my chin on his chest.

"Oh," a playful smile spread across my face, "Well, it's because you're a ray of sunshine, obviously."

Grey rolled his eyes. "Obviously."

"Well, I mean, you're always grumpy. Always glaring at people." I tapped the tip of his nose. "But, when you're not being a moody baby, you're actually really sweet."

His face was blank. "Sweet."

"Mhm," I grinned. "Like a cupcake."

"You think I'm sweet?"

"That's what I said, isn't it?"

Greyson was silent for a moment, his expression contemplative. "I'm not sweet," he grumbled.

"Sure," I patted his chest, "whatever you say, Sunshine."

A small smile tugged at his lips. "I prefer being called a moody baby over Sunshine."

"Too bad," I said, and pressed a kiss to his lips. "You're stuck with it."

Grey's lips met mine again, slower than any of our kisses had been. He was entirely unhurried as his hands stroked my back, the warmth from his touch sending a wave of contentment through me.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his lips trailing down my neck.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"You're sad," he pulled away, his eyebrows furrowing. "I can feel it."

I laughed. "You can feel it?" My eyebrows raised in a silent question.

"You don't get to ask questions right now. Why are you sad?"

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