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Being the only sober person in a group of drunk shitheads is never fun. Especially when said shitheads were constantly finding ways to embarrass themselves or get in trouble.

Like now.

"Max, for the last time, we're not playing spin the bottle."

"Why the fuck not, Lowell?" She slurred, her words nearly incomprehensible. "It's, like, the easiest game ever!"

I sighed, rubbing a hand over my face. It was moments like this that had me reminding myself that I couldn't kill Max—she was Piper's best friend.

And, you know, because it was wrong or whatever.

"Yeah, Grey," Kai spoke from the seat beside Max, a lazy smirk on his face. "Why not?"

I rolled my eyes, and looked to Ryan, who was more focused on the Santa Monica shot glass than the conversation happening around him. "Can't you control your girlfriend?"

"Not his girlfriend," Max sang, a goofy smile on her face as she downed another shot. For a girl who weighed as much as my right leg, Max sure could hold her alcohol.

Ethan let out a loud laugh at that, letting himself fall back onto the floor. "That's brutal, Ry."

"What do you want me to do, Greyson?" Ryan asked, a brow raised. "She's a big girl. She can do whatever she wants."

Cyrus laughed quietly from his spot, opening his mouth to say something most likely fueled by a drunken lust for Piper's best friend, but his words were interrupted by the redhead in question.

"Okay, you five, that's enough."

All six heads turned, and Piper's eyes met mine.

My heart—the stupid fucker—actually fluttered in my chest at the sight of Piper standing in the kitchen, hands on her hips and splattered with paint. Her hair was a mess, strands sticking to her neck, her cheeks, and her forehead, while her green eyes seemed to sparkle with amusement.

She was breathtaking.

I had barely seen her all week. After our she and I had the most mind blowing sex of my life, work at the gallery picked up, and if the amount of time Piper had spent in the garage hunched over her easel were any indication, I'd guess Pencil–Dick was breathing down her neck.

I hadn't realized just how much I'd missed her.

"You guys are going to drink yourselves to death," She scolded, crossing the room and reaching for the shot glasses and the vodka.

Kai beat her to it, scooping the supplies into his arms. "It's the weekend,"

"It's a Tuesday,"

"It's Friday somewhere," Ryan sang, tossing back yet another shot with practiced ease. "You should join us."

"Not happening." She smiled sweetly, shaking her head. "You'll drink yourselves into oblivion."

"It's been forever since I've seen you," Kai whined, leaning forward in his chair and propping his head in his hands. "Come drink with us."

Piper laughed softly, the corners of her eyes crinkling. "You're all such big babies when you're drunk," she shook her head. "And, you know I don't drink."

"Oh, come on, Pipes," Max stood, her balance wobbly as she walked over to Piper. She slung an arm over the smaller girl's shoulder, nearly knocking her off balance, and pointed at me. "This guy's a killjoy."

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