Sisters Forever

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When I got to the Diamond Hotel, I passed by Ashley and requested she brings pizza and wine to Lola's suite as I made my way to the elevator. She didn't question anything seeing my expression was serious and I had heels and purse in my hand. My dark lipstick gone because I was panicking all the way here. It may be after hours but this was an emergency.

As soon as I made it inside the apartment, I saw it was quiet and quite uncomfortable. I called out for Lola but there was no answer making my worry even worse. I headed to the kitchen and she wasn't there, it was also dark there. I was about to head for her bedroom before I heard sniffles come from the bathroom making me rush towards them.

As soon as I opened the door, I realized there was light there and hair all over the floor. Her brown hair was there and there weren't any scissors in sight. There was little hair on her head and she was still snuggling and crying as she sat on the food near the bathtub. I didn't ask knowing exactly what this meant and I rushed to her side giving her a comforting hug. She immediately leaned in wrapping her arms around me and as she cried even more.

Seeing her like this, seeing her hysterical on the floor made me want to cry also, my problems were definitely not worse than hers. I was complaining about stupid stuff when my sister had a life threatening situation that she was dealing with and the obvious abandonment from her own parents.

"Shhhh, it's gonna be okay. It's okay." I say as I soothed her even though she was no longer crying now and it was just sniffles.

"I didn't want to ruin your night but-" She says between sniffles. "I'm sorry."

"Trust me, my night was already ruined." I replied making her laugh.

"I knew I had cancer but somehow it now feels so real." She says.

"Losing your hair isn't because of the cancer, it's just a side effect, after this it'll grow back." I replied still brushing her back. "And if it makes you feel better, I can cut my hair with you."

"What?" She says raising her head to look at me.

"Let's cut our hair." I say smiling at her.

"Fiona you don't have to do that."

"You're my sister, Lola. I want to prove to you that hair is just hair and nothing more. Anything you go through, I will go through it with you." I say holding her cheeks seeing her blue eyes glisten before she throws herself in my arms pulling me in a bone crushing hug.

An hour later we both had our hair shaved and we were completely bald. Well, she didn't let me go completely bald claiming that she's not letting me look like I'm in a grunge band but she cut my hair small and poured gel all over it and styling it. Honestly, I looked so much better with short hair. Hell, I like my hair this way. There was black dye in one of my drawers that I had considered months back but I didn't have the courage to use it and Lola thought it fitting with my now short hair.

I won't lie, she looked perfect with her bald look and the many piercings on her ears. Now she looked like she was in a grunge band.

Someone knocked on the door whilst we were still looking for a movie and I knew exactly who it was. I went to open the door to see Ashley standing there with a pizza and wine in her hands.

"Sorry it took so long I had to order it from a restaurant and what is going on with your head?!" She said with shock painted in her features.

"New hairdo?" I say taking the stuff from her hands.

"Okay girlfriend I see you." She says giving me a knowing look making me smile as I gave her, her cash, I assumed she would order so I brought cash with me before opening.

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