Sister problems

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Meeting up with Peppa's parents was such a needed time away. Although Peppa's phone was buzzing nonstop. When she finally took the call, she left to go take it outside and the conversation seemed heated that she was running her hand through her blonde hair as if she was in distress. I couldn't hear what she was saying because she was too far but it did seem to stress her. When I asked her about it, she said it was just another phone call about how she didn't get a job she had applied for so now she's down to the interview at RS.

Honestly, RS makes good money so I'm sure she will make good money for herself if she gets the job too. But nonetheless I am back with my now boyfriend. Seating here with Kevin and Storm in a really calm night.

He was on his laptop whilst I was feeding Storm. His bright giggles every time I play with him filled the silence.

"So did you and Peppa have fun?" Kevin suddenly asks.

"Yes, actually. We had some catching up. I didn't realize how busy we've been the past few months. Well mostly her. She recently got out of a relationship too." I say as I was feeding Storm his bottle.

I feed my baby both ways to ensure he doesn't depend on feeding on my breasts and feeding with a bottle when I'm not near. I just don't get the obsession of always breastfeeding your baby. A little bit of both will still make him a good growing baby, I hope.

Peppa told me that she had been dating a guy on the low trying to see if it will go anywhere before talking about him or introducing me and everyone in her life to him and just as she thought, it went south. She's the type of person to want to know how serious you are before bringing you fully into her life. I'm glad she's taking her time now because after her ex that she couldn't let go, she most certainly needs to go slower now.

"Wait, really? She never told me that." He says his voice now sounding interested. I furrowed my eyebrows out of confusion with his words, it's so random for him to say that but I guess it's nothing. Besides, they are supposed to be friends now right?

"She never told me either until now I guess. She's not much of a kiss and tell type of person." I reply ignoring the stupid thoughts in my mind.

"Oh, okay then. But I want to know how your day was. How is your life recently, anything new?" He asks.

"I live with you everyday, what could be new?" I say smiling at him.

"Well I don't know." He shrugs with a little chuckle following soon after. "You're very different. You know, it feels like I meet a new Fiona all the time sometimes. That's why you're so interesting." He says closing his laptop.

"Well, this Fiona is dating you isn't she?"

"Speaking of which, if this Fiona would kindly please let me take her on a date, I want to date her the right way." Swoon! See he knows what to say to just make me fall on my knees, heck maybe I should get on my knees for him. I haven't done that in a while.

"I don't know, I mean I have a son, I gotta start going to the gym and still take care of this man I live with. But I'll see if I can slip you up in my schedule."

"I'm gonna hire help just so I can squeeze into that busy schedule, love, don't worry." He replies.

"Then I would love to, Mr Williams." He smiles at me ,giving me a view of his beautiful vamp teeth oh and not forgetting the one dimple on his left cheek. How is he so beautiful and does he not just.. not be beautiful?

He wakes up and is somehow more attractive! Men are just lucky.


A week had passed by and me and Kevin were growing strong. Great news though? Peppa starts work today! I wanted to help her get settled but considering Mr Choi is my boyfriend's rival, my face might not be welcomed there so I'll let her do this on her own no matter how scared she is.

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