Love Hurts

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I have been working for at least three days now and I can positively say my life is on the right track. You know, besides the fact that I don't have a best friend anymore and my boyfriend and I are not on speaking terms.

No matter, this time I will not be the one who fixes things, we are way past that stage where I apologize for having feelings. I mean how dare I take offense to being called stupid, how dare I care for my sister and how dare I manage to get a good paying job, on my first interview. Oh and how dare a man be attracted to me? It seems as though I go about my way to disappoint people purposely.

"Miss Ivanov, my office now." Summons Mr Hilton on the intercom.

He may be a nice guy, heck he throws jokes here and there but when he gives an order you follow it, which is why I'm taking me and my pencil skirt to his office as fast as I can.

"Yes sir, you called?" I say as soon as I entered.

"I need you to get me coffee and get Connor off my calendar tomorrow, I already spoke with him on my way here." He says and I nod, but before I could make my way out, a thought came into mind.

A very sick thought but I ignore it for the time being and went back to making coffee for my boss. It's stupid right? I mean I probably won't like the answer yes but also it might bother me all day. Which is exactly what it started doing as soon as I delivered Mr Hilton's coffee and changed his calendar. I started doing some paperwork that again, Mr Hilton gave me, as a distraction, it didn't work.

Great, because of my untrusting boyfriend now I'm questioning myself. But there isn't a thing that I should question myself about right? But it's also very unhealthy for people who live in the same house to have two or three conversations a day or in three days sometimes.

"Hey." Someone knocks at my door making me look up to see a girl with shoulder length hair holding what seems to be pie in her hands.

"I'm Zoe and this is a pie. Well, it's my favorite pie." She says. "WHICH is not of relevance obviously because it's not about me since I made this pie for you, you know what! This is a pie and I made it for you."

I couldn't help chuckling at how cute Zoe is. She seems like someone who says more than she thinks which is exactly what I need right now, an effortlessly funny coworker.

"Thank you very much Zoe. I love your hair." I say taking the pie and settling it on my desk.

"I'm homosexual by the way." She says suddenly, shocking us both. "I mean- I'm- that's not- I'm just newly out so i feel like everyone should know in case... you know."

I was about to speak before she cut me off again.

"But this not me hitting on you! I mean you're hot and all but you have a boyfriend and I have a girlfriend but I would be assuming you're als-"

"Zoe! I have a lot of work to do. Can we continue this later? Thank you for the pie though." She nodded sheepishly. "Oh and congratulations on you coming out, I won't tell your girlfriend you said I'm hot."

She smiles sheepishly at me before she heads back out. I know I can't hold my tongue when I'm nervous which is why I understand Zoe but she says a lot she shouldn't be saying though.

The rest of the day went smoothly as me and Zoe did some bumping in here and there and having a few conversations. She's funny when she's less nervous but she also said she will take time to get used to me of which I completely understand.

Everyone in the office was just about gone when I started packing my things and getting ready to go. I realized Mr Hilton wasn't gone yet so I went to tell him I'm about to leave.

Trophy WifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora