Chapter twenty-one

Start from the beginning

He managed a small, tired smile, acknowledging her presence. Without a word, she sat beside him, offering for a while silent support.


"Oh, wait!" She unexpectedly broke the silence, running out the room for a minute.

His eyes followed her curiously as she left the room, and when she returned with a gift on her hand, Oikawa raised an eyebrow, the tired lines on his face softening with mild curiosity.

"What's this?" he asked, a hint of genuine interest breaking through the weariness in his voice.

She grinned, a playful glint in her eyes. "Consider it a 'you-did-your-best' gift." She handed him the bag, a modest attempt to bring a touch of cheer to the gloomy atmosphere.

He opened it to find his favorite food, milk bread. Not any milk bread, she had baked it herself. "For the post-match blues," she explained, her tone light but sincere.

Oikawa chuckled, appreciating the gesture. "You know me too well, ___."

She shrugged in a sassy way. "Just trying to gift you something that none of your fans could ever."

He chuckled, savoring the taste of the homemade milk bread. "Well, how do they compare to your extraordinary culinary skills?" He took another bite, not bothering with the polite act of cutting it into pieces. "It tastes better because it doesn't have any love potion on it."

"Love potion?" She laughed, a playful gleam in her eyes. "Like what? Tears and unicorn hair?"

He nodded, his expression exaggeratedly serious. "I'm telling you, I'm scared. Last time I gave some suspicious looking cookies to Hanamakki, and he was acting all weird after that."

"Weed?" She pouted looking for answers as well. "Maybe even Viagra."

"Ah, you think so?!" He narrowed his eyes in thought, "I wouldn't be too surprised to be honest."

"Oh well," she teased confidently, "I save my potions for more important occasions."

"So, that was today's secret, huh?" Oikawa crossed his arms as he playfully lifted one brow. "Seriously, what did you feed him? I was hoping for a chance since he was too busy staring at you. I thought you'd distract him, but nope, he had superpowers kicking in."

She looked at her brother with a suspicious grin. "What superpowers?"

"You know, although we lost, I'm content I was even close to winning, because wow." He grinned. "Let me tell you, I've never seen him play that way."

"Really?" She turned her head to the side; she had never seen him play with another powerhouse before, so she had no idea how good he could really be.

"I mean...instead of helping me by distracting him with your beauty, you were more like an energy drink." He pressed his lips together, narrowing his eyes. His hand massaged his chin as he reminisced about the game, an impressed yet amused expression on his face, almost like a smile.

"He scored and looked at you every. Single. Time. Even during the timeouts. I swear ___, I've never seen any expression on his face apart from his resting bitch face, but then he was... smiling? Tiny as it was. But still..."

He was genuinely impressed. "Hmm, he's completely in love with you."

"Oh, come on," A light blush tinted her cheeks as she giggled. "It's not that serious."

Oikawa gazed at her, his eyes catching the subtle changes in her expressions. The rosy tint on her round cheeks, the way her eyes, filled with happiness, seemed to carry a hint of thoughtfulness. He noticed the delicate way she bit her lip before breaking into a loving smile. 

In that moment, it struck him. His little sister was in fact not so little anymore, and worst of all...she was in love.

As if he'd been shot, a deep pain pierced his heart. His eyes welled up, tears threatening to spill before he could catch them.

"Nii-chan?" She noticed his sudden shift. "Are you okay?!"

"Don't worry, ___-chan!" He pulled his face away, concealing his true pain. "I'm just sad that I lost!" Lost her, his little sister.

"Oh, ni-chan, next time I'll put the potions in your milk bread." she teased, trying to lighten the mood.

"That would be good." He replied. "ANYWAYS, isn't Ushijima celebrating?"

"Oh yeah, they have a party, but I wanted to be with you."

"Don't be stupid. Of course, he's waiting for you. Go, go to the party. I can cry by myself alone."

Her eyes widened with pleasant surprise. "Really?" She hesitated.

"Yeah, I want to be alone." He lied.

She knew he lied but smiled at his effort. "I love you so much, nii-chan!" She threw herself into a tight hug.


This chapter almost made me cried.

Not only because I had been like writing like for the whole day, but because it reminds me of my siblings ijafhjksadfhukwfhuahn i love my siblings so much ;-; 



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