Return to Portland.

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The cargo helicopter slowly landed in the old rotting remains of the Portland and the towers were hopping out of the damaged plaint to look around the nearby area to find a good spot to rebuilt a new base.

Engineer: Wow this place has changed a lot since I was gone.

Commander: Yeah, thankfully it seems that the zombies are gone.

The towers found a clear area and started cutting down trees in a nearby forest and it took them a while and most towers were taking a break while Gladiator and Minigunner were sawing the logs.

Scout: Its nice to not smell the rotten smell of zombies for once.

Sniper: You sure it wasn't Commander wearing axe body spray?

Scout: Heh- No I'm sure.

Commander: There's nothing wrong with body spray-

Soldier: Compared to using old spice there is

Commander: >:(

Eclipse Commander and Mortar were out collecting nails and other building materials and at the end of the day the towers had barley started building the new base only getting a few rooms outlined.

Mortar: Dear god this is going to take a while.

A few days later.....

The bases outline was about halfway done and the towers refurbished the ports lighthouse into a watchtower for Ranger to use to snipe any nearby zombies which by the way have been seeming to become sparse in the area. In the morning Soldier, Maid Commander, and Medic were doing a supply run for some food.

Soldier: Wow there's tons of canned food in this old supermarket

Medic: Okay whats the majority of it?

Soldier: Meats, Vegetables, Spaghettio's, and yeah.

Maid Commander: Nice.

Soldier, Medic, and Maid Commander headed back to the base and the towers ate the canned goods and continued building the base.

1 Month Later...

The towers finished building the base and were collecting furniture from stores and other places and started furnishing the base and it felt like the towers had a home again.

Commander: Okay guys we need to build more but for now we can take a break for once.

Accelerator: Swag.

The towers were chilling at the base while Scout, Neko dj, Soldier, and Medic were chilling in their barracks room talking and just having a good time for once during this hellish apocalypse.

Neko Dj: I wonder what the next mission will be.

Scout: Who knows.

Soldier: Fellas, we have been fighting the zombies for like a few months now, why the hell haven't we try to find a cure? Or a way to destroy all of the zombies?

Medic: Eh- I don't know-

Scout: Commander probably knows what he is doing... Probably.

Later that day the towers were setting up a target practice area so they can practice their aim while Medic and Eclipse Commander were talking to Commander in his office. Engineer managed to get the cargo plane to a landing area in the new base and Scout, Hunter, Pyromancer, and Frost Blaster were helping her repair it.

Pyromancer: Yo engi, I think the brakes on this thing area destroyed because of the Fallen King.

Engineer: Oh I see that.

As Engineer continued to repair the helicopter the other towers went to the cafeteria to eat some lunch and it was a real vibe because they have the secret Chick-Fil-A recipe for the very yummy chicken sandwiches they have.

Sniper: This stuff is bussin'

Scout: Yeah.

So yeah the towers were working very hard constructing their base and other nice things for it like target practicing a little gym area and they found a tank in a nearby forest and have cleaned and repaired it.

Commander: Yo Scout, Mortar, Eclipse, can you guys go on a supply run you can use the old fishing boat we have to go find a island.

Mortar: Ok.

The towers got onto the boat and started heading to some nearby land.

Abandoned City | 5:52 PM.....

The boat pulled up to the nearby abandoned city and the three towers hopped off the boat and headed to a nearby supermarket to grab some food. When the towers entered the market they started just looting all canned food/the very sparse amount of fresh food.

Eclipse Commander: Yo I think I hear zombies outside.

Scout: Okay lets go deal with them, Mortar keep looting.

Mortar: Ight.

Scout and Eclipse Commander headed outside the supermarket and shot up the wandering zombies that were somehow still in the slowly falling apart city. While they were doing that one of the giant apartment buildings fell over onto a road.

Eclipse Commander: Glad we weren't under that.

Scout: Yeah.

Eclipse Commander: We should get back to Mortar.

Scout: Bet.

Scout and Eclipse Commander went back into the supermarket and Mortar had found tons of food and got into the fishing boat and started heading back to the Portland.

Eclipse Commander: So, how are you guys?

Mortar: Fine.

Scout: Yeah-

Mortar: Got any plans for your legion in the TDS army because you are technically a Commander.

Eclipse Commander: I've got plants to reform Eclipse Squadron after all I think I have the resources to.

Scout: Nice-

Eclipse Commander: Wait Scout how old are you-

Scout: Almost 16?

Eclipse Commander: How? You seem way more mature then people your age.

Mortar: Okay lets just get back to base were close now.

The three made it back to base and delivered the food to the cafeteria and went back to their rooms to get some rest.


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