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Last time the towers (Scout, Sniper, Medic, Commander, Soldier, Dj, and Neko dj) got captured by those evil people from earlier and now they are currently in separate jail cells and they re kind of sad right now.

Meanwhile in Scout, Commanders, and Djs cell.

Scout: So uh- Seen any good movies lately?

Commander: No.

Scout: Dang that sucks I guess?

Dj: I hope my sister is ok.

Commander: She probably will be ok *Commander whispers to himself* I don't really care though nerd.

Dj: I heard that.

Scout: Dang.

The towers were tired but if they fell asleep the crooks that captured them would light them up with hundreds of bullets so you know not ideal :/.

Meanwhile in Soldiers and Medics cell.

Soldier: Man this sucks.

Medic: I know.

Soldier: Got any card games or something.

Medic: No all my stuff my was taken well.. besides my clothes.

Soldier: Ok.

Meanwhile with Sniper.

A crooks walked up to Snipers cell and grabbed Sniper and started dragging him to the deck of the military looking ship.

Soldier: What do you think they will do to him?

Medic: Hopefully nothing bad.

Transition to the deck!

Crook: Listen here we are going to torture you guys for our entertainment even you boss, should've payed me double like I said!

CrookBoss: Hey- I thought you were joking!

The crook smacked "CrookBoss" with a brick and CrookBoss was in pain.. a lot of pain and well more of the crooks came to the deck of the ship and started to torture Sniper and CrookBoss. They were in pain and Sniper felt himself get hit by a whip but the Crooks dragged Sniper backs to his cell with the CrookBoss to their own cells.

Meanwhile in Neko dj's cell.

Neko dj was cold and afraid in the cell all alone scared on what was going to happen to her and her friends but then a Crook came up to her cell.

Crook: Its your turn to get abused by us because yes

Neko dj: Ok

The Crook took Neko dj to the deck and she was abused by the Crooks and she was in heavy pain but she got thrown back into her cell later and a few days of abuse passed and currently all of the towers were on deck with the CrookBoss getting abused by the crooks. But then suddenly the ship they were on started randomly exploding.

Scout: Holy crap!

Soldier: Get cover!


The towers saw Medic and Commander run back to under the deck now that the Crooks were distracted to grab their weapons but the towers that were still on deck there was another exposition that blasted Dj and Sniper into the water and the towers that were still on deck (Scout, Soldier, and Neko dj) were panicking.

Neko dj: Where the hell is that Crook boss?

Scout: I don't know!

Crook boss quickly grabbed Scout and threw him into one of the life boats on the ship and also threw Neko dj into the life boats when Crook boss was about to get Soldier onto the escape boat the Crooks open fired on Crook boss and Crook boss got shot about 12 times. Crook boss was bleeding a lot and fell into the ocean and was driven away by the currents. Soldier quickly ran towards the life boat bot before he got on he was shot in the back but Scout and Neko dj quickly dragged in on and the Life boat detached from the big boat and started getting blown away by the aggressive currents.

A few weeks later...?

Scout slowly woke up he was in some mud and Scout looked around and it seemed like Scout was in a marsh but he couldn't see any other towers. Scout slowly got up and started looking around the marsh and found a very wounded Crook boss and they were in heavy pain so Scout grabbed a med kit from nearby ruins of the ship and started treating to Crook bosses wounds. Crook boss groaned in pain.

Crook boss: I can barley feel anything-

Scout: Don't worry buddy you'll be ok.

Scout propped Crook boss against a tree and he started looking for materials to build a temporary shelter and Scout found some Logs, Wood, Leafs, ect to build a little shelter.

Meanwhile somewhere else in the marsh.

Soldier felt himself in pain but found a bandage wrapped around his stomach (Where he was shot) and saw Medic treating his wounds.

Soldier: What even happened to you?

Medic: me and Commander went to grab our weapons because they cost a lot and while you guys escaped the shit got ripped in half but Commander has the weapons so if we find him we will be armed again.

Soldier: Ok.

Soldier and Medic started exploring the Marsh and found Dj who was covered in a lot of mud and dirt but he was not as wounded as some other survivors.

Dj: Hey guys have you guys seen my sister..?

Solder: No you are the only person we have found.

Dj: oh.. :(

Medic: Don't worry Dj she's probably around here somewhere.

Dj: I hope she is.

Meanwhile in the ruins of the ship somewhere else in the marsh.

Sniper woke up and saw an unconscious Commander so Sniper dragged him to a safe spot in the ruins and the weapon crate he had and Sniper grabbed his sniper rifle and waited guard just to be safe.

No towers knew where Neko dj was she might not even be in the marsh who knows?


(Comment down what Tds map/tower/ship you might wanna see in a later part)

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