Blood in the sea.

26 2 0

The towers managed to finally evacuate the attack and they arrived at the Forest camp and they were very stressed because they were not prepared for the attack but they could not waste any time and they quickly sounded an alarm. All of the towers that were at base quickly rushed outside and they were confused.

Medic: Why did you wake us up bro.

Commander: Because we need to get prepared for battle now, seriously, the trading port has been destroyed and a lot of our supplies are gone.

Medic: Dang.

The towers knew this was no joke so all of the towers ran to the armory and rushed to get their weapons and they fired up some giant boats they have at a port at their base.

Commander: Good luck to you all, lets go.

The boats headed out and a few hours later the heat really started picking up and the towers knew that they were getting close to where the titan is.

Meanwhile on the dock of the giant boat.

Scout: Oh god, this is going to be more of a challenge then the Grave Digger.

Sniper: Yeah.

Scout: So, want to play some poker or blackjack or something?

Sniper: Yeah sure.

Scout and Sniper were playing cards on the deck and Rocketeer was pulling out some rockets for his RPG and Mortar was setting up, well his mortar. Commander and Eclipse Commander were in the part of the ship with the main controls.

Eclipse Commander: So, Commander how are we going to go with destroying this beast.

Commander: I guess we got to just hit it with many artillery rounds.

Eclipse Commander: And where did you get all of the rockets?

Commander: We stole them :)

Eclipse Commander: ok.

The air started to really heat up and the air was getting really humid and the cannons on the boat were getting loaded but then the water started draining a lot and there were thousands of molten creatures.

Mortar: Oh boy here they come.

All of the towers got onto the deck of the boat and started to just open fire and the molten creatures were managing to tank many bullets before they could even shatter but the towers were managing to keep them at bay surprisingly. But a giant clank was heard from the engine room of the boat and the towers were confused.

Commander: CrookBoss, Militant go check out what that sound was.

Crook Boss: Yes sir.

Crook Boss and Militant ran down to the engine room below the deck and they were confused but then smoke started filling the room and they were scared.

Militant: Something is on fire!

Crook Boss: Then let's put it out!

Crook Boss grabbed a fire extinguisher and handed it to Militant and he ran into the room and started letting it lose and was doing pretty good but something was off.

Militant: This extinguisher is doing nothing!

Crook Boss: Just quickly put it out!

Militant: I'm tri-!

The engine was heating up a lot and then well, it just exploded. The towers felt the ship shake and half of it rip off and the fire was let lose.

Sniper: OH GOD!

Crook boss ran up from below deck his suit was half destroyed and his fedora was ripped apart and very burned and he was wounded and covered in dust and blood holding Militants beret.


Crook Boss: The engine blew up!

Scout: What about Militant is he ok?

Crook Boss: Besides him being vaporized instantly or rotting at the bottom of the ocean maybe?

Rocketeer: oh :(

The molten creatures were still pushing forward but the towers were managing to keep them at bay but then something rose out of the water, the Molten Titan rose out of the water and was ready for blood. The cannons started bombarding it with rockets and it only left a scratch on the Titan. The Molten titan was and not affected just created like a bunch of fireballs and most of them hit the boat and it was on fire.

Commander: Oh god this thing is a lot stronger then I thought.

It was a very rough situation and the towers were very concerned for their lives and they knew they didn't have enough rockets but then some giant beam out of nowhere just crashed into the Molten Titan and it heavily damaged it but it managed to survive but a lot of the molten rocks that are making up its body shattered and it was slowly turning into a giant lava blob but it grabbed its scythe and slammed it into the ground. A giant lava wave crashed down on the ship destroying most of it and the towers just kept firing. Another fire ball got thrown at the boat and it just fell apart into many pieces and a lot of towers fell into the water and most of them were very wounded. But the towers kept firing and the Molten was destroyed.

Medic: C'mon guys its almost dead!

Rocketeer reloaded his rocket launcher again and fired it directly at the Molten Titans head and blew it up and it fell apart into many bits of lava and molten rocks. The towers that were still conscious were relived but they could not do much so they swam to shore with all of the unconscious towers and they made a little shelter and Medic used the little Medical supplies she had on her to try to patch up their wounds.

Commander: Oh god the base is defenseless, because all of us are here now so uh it might get destroyed.

Scout: well we just got to find help but for now we should wait for the others to get healed up.

The towers watched in the distance as their burning ship crumbled and sank to the bottom of the ocean.


(GIVE IDEAS FOR NEXT PART and it will probably get written)

Tower Defense Simulator The story |REWRITTEN|Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum