Unknown Garden

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Portland | TDS BASE | 11:23 PM

It was nighttime at the TDS base and it was quiet but not really because the towers were out chilling to celebrate the new year because well, why not? There was tons of delightful sweets and pastries there and Neko dj was playing some good music she learned from her bother.

Commander: Man it feels nice celebrating a holiday, You know?

Maid Commander: Yeah.

Commander: Glad to see the units are enjoying it at least.

Maid Commander: Yeah.

As the towers were enjoying life something felt off as a day before weird creatures that seemed to be part of the Fallen Army called Fallen Reapers and they were concerned that the Fallen King might of survived their last encounter.

Scout: Something feels off guys. You know?

Sniper: Yeah.

Scout: Maybe it just us, but that Fallen Reaper coming out of nowhere made no sense.

Soldier: Maybe its just a remnant of the army?

Sniper: Probably.

While the towers were chilling a random portal just appeared out of nowhere and all of the towers just looked at it.

Accelerator: What-

Commander: A portal?

Commander, Scout, Sniper, Ranger, Accelerator, Medic, Frost Blaster and Neko dj walked up to the portal first and it was causing the ground to shake a bit and they all of the sudden they got zapped by some energy and they and the portal disappeared. When the portal opened up again it was in the void and the towers that entered it fell to the ground on some purple grass.

Medic: Where are we?

Ranger: No clue.

Neko dj: This place looks like a garden of some sorts.

Medic: Its oddly beautiful

Scout: Yeah.

The towers were looking around the garden they didn't know where they were then they saw a giant entrance be blown open from some cave or something and some titan like fallen units came out of the cave and they were known as Fallen Titan's.

Ranger: Oh god, those guys looks tanky.

Sniper: Yeah.

The towers started to open fire as they usually do but one of the Fallen Titan's slammed one of their hammers on the ground blowing Scout and Sniper back and they hit some rock and lets just stay that their backs will be sore for another week or so.

Scout: Ow my back-

Accelerator managed to beam the Fallen Titan's out of existence with his plasma gun and the towers just took a few moments to take a rest.

Commander: What the hell were those.

Ranger: More members of the Fallen Army I'd guess.

As the towers were taking a quick rest the ground started shaking so they grabbed their weapons for another wave of enemies. Zombies that seemed to be made of Lava trying to mimic some of the Molten Forces.

Accelerator: I got this.

Accelerator charged up his plasma gun and started to fire it at the Lava zombies and he was able to kill most of them but when he finished his gun overheated and its going to take a while to recharge.

Accelerator: I burnt my hands :(

Medic: Ok, Ill get an ice pack.

The towers looked around the area because the enemy forces seemed to have died down for now and this place was very different from the regular world for example, the water in the "garden" was purple, thick, and slimy, Islands were floating in the abyss, and the zombie corpses that they just shot down seemed to just be absorbed by the ground.

Scout: How are we exactly supposed to get outta here?

Medic: Well conveniently we always seem to find our ways out of these situations most of the time, so yeah.

While the towers were exploring a giant beast came out of the endless abyss that was the void and that beast was the Void Reaver...

Commander: Open fire!

The towers started firing their weapons at the beast but it only seemed to bounce off of its heavy plating and armor and it stabbed its broadsword into the ground and the ground started to slowly rip itself apart.

Ranger: We need to escape quickly!

Accelerator looked down into the void as the towers were hanging onto the ground and there was a portal down there and all of the towers started to slowly leap towards it and they managed to touch it and got sucked into the portal. The towers found themselves outside the Portland base.

Pyromancer: Where have you guys been?

Archer: Yeah.

Commander: Lets just say were going to war.

Pyromancer: What-

Commander: A creature from the Void has been raising the Fallen army and its powerful, we need to get as much supplies and weaponry as possible now!

Archer: Ight, I'll tell the others.

Medic: I'll go DoorDash us some Donuts

The base was going into panic as they were preparing their weaponry, Ranger and Minigunner were sent out to find Drivers and Pilots for tanks and helicopters, at the base Engineer was working on Tanks, Humvees, and helicopters. A group of towers are going to head out to an Eggy Island to help with recruiting soon.


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