Black Spot Exchange

39 3 0

Random Island | Somewhere in America | 1:23AM

Commander: C'mon troops, we otta keep hauling there crates filled with weaponry and food.

Minigunner: Commander, why are we doing this again?

Commander: Some allies of mine need some supplies so were delivering them, any other questions?

Minigunner: nope.

The units that were with Commander were bored hauling many crates filled with goods, even if they are to help others they were still very bored. Eventually the towers managed to haul all of the crates off the boat they have (yeah they got another boat somehow don't ask). The towers were eventually sitting at a spot where they were waiting to meet up with whoever they were meant to trade with.

Scout: Who are we even trading with Commander.

Commander: Some old eclipse unit that I had contacts with.

Soldier: Never heard of them.

Commander: Well yeah only their Commander and some guy with a Ice gun are alive.

Scout: Danm.

The towers were waiting, and waiting until they saw a giant boat speeding to the island and the boat was on fire and smoke was pouring out of it and it was slowly sinking. The boat crashed onto the shore and it was clearly on fire.

Dj: Holy crap!

Commander: What the hell!

The eclipse Commander came running out with her accomplice (The freezer dude) and they both looked exhausted and injured.

Commander: What the hell happened to you two.

Eclipse Commander: We were attacked you idiot.

Sniper: By who though?

Eclipse Commander: So basically we had some uh "Test subjects" on our boat, and we may of injected them with some drugs that turned them in zombies that have the mindset of an average man from Florida.

Sniper: Oh.

Scout: Just to be sure those "Test subjects" are dead I'm just gonna Throws grenade at the burning ship there that should do the trick.

The ship scout threw the grenade at blew up instantly and fell to pieces like it was a Lego set or something like that and the towers just looked at it burning with satisfaction on there face.

Dj: Ok well uh now what, the writer of this story is only at about 343 words and wants to get at least 900+ words

Minigunner: Well uh, how about we got kill some zombies in cold blood?

Sniper: Sure.

Commander: Well first lets head back to base and I guess uh Eclipse, Freezer man you are now unwillingly part of the team weather you like it or not.

Freezer: ok, I'm not gonna talk much am I?

Eclipse Commander: Yeah

The towers did go back to the base and called for some of the other towers to come and help find and destroy some zombies.

Random Island | Somewhere in America | 5:12AM

Commander was overlooking the island and it was chill at first then it started heating up like a lot.

Scout: Commander why did it heat up all of the sudden we're in the middle of the fall.

Mortar: Guys enemies inbound!

A giant wave of lava hit the island engulfing a lot of it in flames and the towers knew the molten enemies were coming back so they scrambled to get their weapons. Molten zombies bursted out of the lava and the towers that were at the exchange (Scout, Commander, Sniper, Minigunner, Soldier) stared to open
fire while Mortar set up his Mortar cannon.

Minigunner: Our bullets seem to just be bouncing off of them or just denting then

Mortar: I got this

Mortar launched 3 rockets from his cannon at once and they flew at the molten zombies completely exploding them, But there was still massive waves of them coming. The towers then saw weird strong beefy knight looking molten zombies that were probably protectors of the molten titan perhaps?

Commander: Guys grab some dynamite so we can lay it out and so when these slow zombies reach us it will be epic.

Sniper: Yessir

The towers put up a bunch of dynamite in the trade spot and evetually the molten zombies came pushing into the towers territory commander signaled Mortar to detonate the dynamite and Mortar nodded and fired a rocket causing a massive explosion killing many molten.

Mortar: Bombs away!

The towers quickly retreated back because the island started to shake and many more lava waves splashed onto the island. But then there was a massive ear bleeding roar and then something massive rose out of the lava, the Molten Titan rose from it and it's massive lava scythe rising from to it into its molten fingers.

Soldier: Guys run!

The towers quickly got onto the boat they came to the trading port on and they quickly turned it on and Eclipse commander and Freezer were in there confused.
Eclipse Commander: What the hell is going on?!
Minigunner: No time to explain.

The boat quickly turned on and was heading to the sea and while that was happening the Molten Titan slammed his scythe into the ground of the island and lava spewed out of it everywhere covering the island in molten lava drying up a lot of water and destroying the trade port but the Molten titan wasn't done because it started sending its thousands of hordes of molten zombies after the towers boat.

Scout and Soldier ran to deck and mounted some military cannons and started open firing on the molten zombies. Meanwhile Eclipse commander was on deck of the ship and saw some molten zombies climbing the hull.

Eclipse commander: Hey scout can I borrow your handgun for a second!

Scout: sure

Scout threw his handgun to Eclipse Commander who started open firing onto the zombies and Minigunner came to help her and started revving up his minigun. All of the towers were panicking and the Molten Titan summoned some fireballs and started throwing them at the boat. Lots of the fire balls hit the boat and every tower on the boat ran up to deck and started climbing into the lifeboats, it was mad and the ship was sinking quickly and the towers disconnected the lifeboats and started their mini engines and the boats did start moving but there were hundreds of thousands of molten zombies moving on the drying up water. The life boat that had Freezer, Sniper and Mortar got hit by a fireball and thrown into the air but the others managed to catch them and the remaining life boat started speeding away because the towers were heavily unprepared.

(To be continued, you can recommend so ideas you might want to see in this story, please I need ideas)

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