Chapter 16

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As the sun peeked through the curtains, Seungyeon woke up feeling like a kid on a festive morning

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As the sun peeked through the curtains, Seungyeon woke up feeling like a kid on a festive morning. Today was his long-awaited day off, and he was beyond excited to soak up the holiday vibes. He hopped out of bed and took a refreshing shower before slipping into his comfiest clothes.
Ah, the sweet smell of freedom!
As he made his way to the kitchen, he noticed a heartwarming note from his mother on the fridge. "Seung Yeon-ah, I made egg spring rolls! It's on the stove. Eat it while it's still hot, and don't forget to take your vitamins." His heart swelled with gratitude for having such a thoughtful and caring mom.

Woodz and all the members of MOLA, had planned to go camping at their favourite spot. They hadn't seen each other in a while, and Kino, a group member, had been bugging them to go. MOLA consisted of- Seventeen's Vernon, Pentagon's Kino, Jamie, Nathan, Hoho, and Woodz, a bunch of talented and creative souls.

They were supposed to leave in the afternoon, Seungyeon checked the time and realised he had a lot of time to kill. He started by doing the dishes and tidying up the house to help his mom. After an hour, he decided to read a book to pass the time, but before he knew it, he had dozed off.

Suddenly, Seungyeon was jolted awake by the sound of his phone ringing. "Seungyeon-ah!!" It was Kino on the other end.
"Kino-yah, I was sleeping! Stop screaming on the phone like that, you're going to give me a heart attack someday!" Seungyeon grumbled, trying to shake off the sleepiness.
"Well, good thing I called. We're leaving in an hour, and Nathan will come to pick you up. Be ready, bye!" without waiting for Seungyeon to reply, Kino hung up. Arun rubbed his eyes and checked the time, realising that he had overslept. He swiftly grabbed a bag and packed a change of clothes along with his essentials. He ran to the kitchen to pack a few snacks too and rushed to the front door. 
He found Nathan waiting for him downstairs in the car, and they drove off to pick up the rest of  MOLA.
The ride was lively, with Jamie, and Nathan in the front seats, bickering over the directions. Meanwhile, Hoho and Kino were fast asleep in the backseat.

Seungyeon and Vernon, however, found solace in isolating themselves from the commotion in the car. They put on their headphones, relaxed, and enjoyed the scenic view outside. The journey was just as thrilling as the destination, and they couldn't wait to make the most of their day off.

Finally, MOLA arrived at their destination, and the excitement was palpable. Everyone eagerly disembarked from the vehicle, ready to explore the beautiful place that Jamie had booked for them. As they looked around, they couldn't help but marvel at the stunning scenery that surrounded them. To the west, the vast sea stretched out before them, while the lush greenery to the north was simply breathtaking.

The group quickly got to work, setting up their tents and camping gear on the lush green grass. They split up into smaller groups to share tents, with Seungyeon and Vernon in one, and Kino, Nathan, and Hoho bunking together. Jamie obviously getting her own tent. It was shaping up to be an unforgettable adventure!

When everything was finally set, the gang set off to explore. The drive was long, so it was almost sunset by the time they arrived. Seungyeon ran off to the beach to take a few aesthetic pictures using his camera, while Kino got his paint and canvas out and started painting the beautiful scenery. Jamie, Nathan, and Hoho sat on the chairs near the fire they had lit up with a lot of effort. Hoho got his guitar out and started playing some notes, which caught the attention of Seungyeon. He slowly walked towards the music and started humming to the song.
"Shhh! Let me have some peace Seungyeon-ah '' Jamie exclaimed, irritated.
"Aww Okay.!" pouting, Seungyeon sat on his chair quietly. A while later, Vernon came skipping with a bag of chips and sat next to Seungyeon.
As the sun began to set, the group sat together, watching the beautiful shades of orange and pink spread across the sky. The weather was cold, and the wind blowing made it more exciting.

The entire group was looking forward to dinner for the night, BBQ. Everyone got to work on preparing the food, except for Kino, who was busy completing his art piece with Jamie sitting on a chair next to him. Vernon and Hoho were passionately exchanging ideas with each other about music, while Seungyeon and Nathan got to work with the setup.

The smell of the meat roasting on the grill filled the air, making everyone's nostrils tingle with excitement. Just in time, Kino was done with his art, and it turned out to be a beautiful scenery of the sun setting, with some other creative additions to make it look more aesthetic. "Yah Kino it's so beautiful!" Seungyeon was in awe of the painting and expressed his desire to keep it at his studio, to which " Okay but you know it's not free!" Kino cheekily replied.
"Obviously!" Seungyeon said, acting irritated.

Seungyeon decided to cook some noodles to go with the meat, and everyone was impressed with his culinary skills.
"Seungyeon-ah, when did you learn to cook this good!" Jamie said especially impressed and couldn't stop complimenting Seungyeon on the delicious taste of the food.
"Really..Well that's a secret haha!" Seungyeon said being super proud of his achievement in cooking! As they all ate, their stomachs began to fill up, and they eventually had to stop, even though they were all enjoying the meal.
After the hunger died, a wave of exhaustion swept over everybody.

The chilly night was no match for the warmth of the bonfire that Seungyeon, Vernon, and Kino had gathered around. They breathed in the cool, crisp air as they enjoyed the night. Meanwhile, Jamie, Nathan, and Hoho had bid their goodbyes - they were too tired to stay up any longer.
Seungyeon was lost in thought, gazing at the fire when Vernon interrupted him. "Hyung, what are you doing?" he asked curiously. Kino came and sat across from Seungyeon.
Seungyeon replied, "Oh, nothing. Just thinking." He then let out a sigh and added, "This was so needed! The last two weeks were really rough."
Vernon agreed, "Yeah, you worked hard, hyung!" The three of them continued to stare at the fire, enjoying the peace and quiet of the moment.
Suddenly, Seungyeon's phone buzzed, and he picked it up to read the message. A smile lit up his face, and Vernon and Kino exchanged curious looks. "Who was that?" Kino asked eagerly, wanting to know who made Seungyeon smile so brightly.
Seungyeon hesitated for a moment before replying, "Remember I told you about my mother's friend's daughter?"
"Of course, we do!" Vernon chimed in. "The one who turned out to be the same girl who came to your fan meeting and is also studying music and lives in the same apartment as you?"
Seungyeon was surprised that his friends still remembered everything he had told them.
"Well, yeah," he replied, "Yesterday, I found her sitting on a bench near the Han river when I was driving back home after work. She seemed really upset about something, so as a friend, I got some snacks from the convenience store to make her feel better and drove her back to the apartment. That's all!"
Kino was shocked, "Wait, wait, wait. What? You did all that for her?"
Vernon was more interested in the present, "So, what did she say just now?"
Seungyeon replied, "She thanked me for yesterday."
Kino didn't believe it and added teasingly, "Do you like her?" Seungyeon's eyes widened and denied it immediately, "What? Umm, no, obviously i like her as a friend, but not like that."
Kino didn't believe him, "Yah, Vernon-ah, he does like her!" he exclaimed with a mischievous look in his eyes.

Seungyeon got annoyed and stood up to catch Kino, but Kino was quick enough to run away.
"Let him go hyung! You can beat him up tomorrow!" Vernon said, holding Seungyeon by the shoulder. After a few moments, Vernon walked to his tent with Seungyeon following behind.

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