Chapter 9

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Chaerin entered her apartment with a wide smile on her face, closing the door she went into her room and laid down on her bed, she was tired but happy

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Chaerin entered her apartment with a wide smile on her face, closing the door she went into her room and laid down on her bed, she was tired but happy. Talking to Woodz, his laugh and the wide smile on his face was like a dream to Chaerin.

"Ahhhh!! I can't stop thinking about today" Chaerin said to herself. Shaking her head she got up to change and take off her makeup, she had to wake up early the next day as she had college. With her mind full of the day's events she fell asleep.

Chaerin woke up to the sound of her alarm and the sunlight on her face. She got out of bed and went to the bathroom, putting on her favourite playlist she brushed her teeth and changed. While she was doing her hair she got a phone call, it was her mother. She picked up the call and put it on speaker.

"Hello mum!" Chaerin said.

"Ah Chaerin-ah! What are you doing?"

"Oh i was getting ready for college, why did you call though" Chaerin asked. Chaerin was very close to her mother, treating her as a friend sometimes.

"Why? Can't I call my daughter!?" Her mother replied sarcastically.

"No! But is there a reason you called me?" Chaerin continued.

"Well yes there is, your father and I are coming to Korea for a few days due to some work and we also wanted to meet you" Her mother replied.

"Really! Wow, that's great. I'll see you soon then, I have to go now" Chaerin said in an excited tone. She cut the call and headed out to her university.

Chaerin entered her university and went to her class. She saw Eunji and waved at her. She sat down next to her and soon the class started.

After a long and boring lecture Chaerin and Eunji were getting out of the class when Chaerin bumped into someone. She looked up and her eyes widened but she quickly looked down again and dragging Eunji they walked out of the class.

They were walking to their lockers when someone grabbed Chaerin's elbow.

"Let go of my arm" Chaerin told Seonho, slightly surprised at her calm tone.

"Can we talk, please?" Seonho asked her.

"Let go of my arm Seonho" Chaerin replied a little harshly and Seonho let go of her elbow.

"Please just give me five minutes to explain." Seonho was adamant.

Chaerin sighed and replied "Fine, only five minutes".


Coming back from the fanmeet, Seung-youn was very tired. He was getting ready for bed when he thought of the last girl. She was the first fan who caught his attention. She did live in this building and she was also really pretty.. "What am I thinking?!" Seung-youn said suddenly while snapping out of his thoughts. He laid down on his bed and fell asleep.

Seung-youn groaned as his alarm was blaring. It was 5am and he knew he had to get up as he had to go for promotions. He went out and gave his mother a big hug. "My comeback boy woke up" His mother cooed, teasing him. "Eomma!" Seung-youn whined, annoyed at his mother's new nickname.

"Okay okay!" His mother said. "Oh right, a friend of mine is in Korea, I heard she has a daughter close to your age." His mother informed him. "Eomma I can't be in a relationship right now!" Seung-youn said, slightly irritated. "I get you but you cannot stay single all your life Seung-youn." His mother said while patting his shoulder.

Before his mother could continue her lecture, one he had heard a hundred times before, he got a call from his manager. "Eomma, manager hyung is calling, I have to go now byee!" He said, running out the door, desperate to escape his mother.

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