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[DISCLAIMER:- I don't own hxh or any of it's characters and the YouTube video.
I only own my OCs and my part of the stories. I don't own the picture.]

It was morning. The birds chirped loudly and the crashing of the waves, against a huge ship, echoed in the peaceful atmosphere. The sun shone like a glowing diamond and bathed the 12 year old bluenette, Dawn, with it's golden light. Her eyes slowly scrunched and fluttered open. Scratching the back of her head, she yawned and looked around sleepily. Her eyes caught sight of a wooden floor underneath her and the open surrounding. The smell of the sea and the chirping of the seagulls seemed completely dream like.

Wow ...I am in..a ship..

Her eyes were still heavy from sleepiness and they automatically shut off. A few minutes passed by before she sat up with a sudden jerk. " I AM IN A SHIP?!!!!" Her voice was so loud and shrill that everyone on the ship turned their heads to look at her. Blood rushed to her pale face and made her face look like a ripened tomato. "S-sorry...I-I was dreaming...ahahahaha..." She said quickly fumbling up an excuse, laughing nervously. Some went back to their work while the others glared at her, annoyed.

Dawn nervously skittered away to a corner, hiding her face, where there were no people. She was always nervous around new people and she hated crowds. Scratching her head, which was an old habit of her, she tried to remember how she got on this ship and gradually all the memories rushed in. So all that was not a dream. She really met her twin sister. Her mother was still alive. Relief flooded her heart and mind, as she surveyed her situation. She was on a gigantic ship packed with loads and loads of people. They were travelling somewhere, and the people on this ship were dangerous. Feeling a weight on her shoulder, she touched it feeling a leathered strap. Slowly she put the backpack, that had magically appeared on her, down and looked through its contents. There were 2 pairs of outfits , some sharp knives , a pair of shoes, a notebook, a book containing information on hunter's , some chocolate cookies and lastly a note. "Damn you Midori. Why did you give me only 4 cookies ? " Dawn ate the cookies in a few seconds. Out of all the dishes, Dawn had always loved cookies. They were her life and her energy meds.

Picking up the note she started reading.


I see you have woken up. I am extremely sorry for teleporting you straight to the ship. This ship is going to take you to the hunters exam site. Please maintain a low profile and take care. Don't go around eating too many cookies , little cookie monster. They will make you fat. And don't trust anyone is an exam and the other humans would definitely try to kick you be sharp.



"What a worrywart..." Dawn mumbled but in truth she was grinning ear to ear. It felt good to have someone that would worry about her. She was a little bit annoyed at the nickname she got though. No one gets fat from eating erm...a few jars of cookies..right? Dawn put everything back into her backpack and decided to explore the ship. She was excited because it was the first time she had travelled so far away from home. This is going to be fun! I bet I can find something interesting!


Dawn's eyes did not stop twitching . She had been exploring this ship, the past 2 hours and surprisingly there was nothing interesting! Come on! Wasn't this supposed to be the ship that takes everyone to the hunters site?!! Then how the hell is there nothing out of the ordinary?!! This ship is simply filled with stinky old men. Dawn's smiley face turned upside down in a tight frown. She was bored. Taking a seat in the corner of the ship she let her gaze drop on random people, sometimes talking to the birds. Living a lonely life with no human friends, Dawn had learnt animal and bird language, as they were the only ones that came near her without flinching. A beautiful white albatross sat on her shoulder, watching someone closely. Dawn's eyes followed it's gaze and landed on a boy of her age. Wait- A boy of my age!!??! Thank goodness! I am not the only kiddo here!!..

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