Chapter 16

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This chapter does contain dehumanization and unconceited activity that may be inappropriate for younger readers

"w-who are you" Oliver asked the strange person standing in his house.

"That is unimportant at this moment. You have broken Borrower rules and basic codes." the stranger said in a cold voice. He seemed to be of some importance by the way he was dressed and how he held himself. he had unnaturally silver hair, and an odd tattoo on his forehead. a crescent with a dot and an X in the center facing upward.

"what do you mean?"

"You have not only been seen and made contact with your host, but you have simultaneously informed them of our entire species' existence. As such, we must take the usual precautions and relocate you. Do not resist, or make this harder then it must be"

"W-wait what!? No you cant do this, he hasn't done anything wrong!" Oliver said as he processed what the other was saying exactly.  "i-i wont let you take me from him!"

"its either this, or we use other measures to...dispose of the human" the man said an evil grin showing itself on his pale face. Oliver's eyes widened in horror at this statement.

"its your choice. you can either come willingly, or we will force you. whichever way you chose to come we will still have to dispose of the human"

"How can you even do that? its impossible for someone our size to take someone like him down" Oliver said shocked.

"We have our ways. Our group has quite advanced techniques and are quite developed in our anti-human technology" he said, his crooked nose stuck up proudly. "of course, even if you did try to resist us, you would fail."

Oliver didn't know how to process this. they could actually hurt Isaac, or worse. Oliver didn't know what these borrowers were capable of, nor did he wish to find out.  Realizing how powerless he was in this situation Oliver knew he had to do something. He thought of several escape plans, any way to get this person away from Isaac.

"Correct, however we may still have to dispose of him because of your mistakes"

"No." Oliver said gritting his teeth "You wont hurt Isaac"

"No? oh i don't believe you understand the kind of position you are it do you?" the man sneered with a scrutinizing glare. "you see, you don't decide what we do to the human. you only control how you will com with us."

Oliver paled. they seriously were going to just get rid of Isaac. he had to stop them somehow, but how? he thought frantically of any way to save his friend from harm.

Then an idea came to mind "if i go willingly, will you promise to not harm my friend" he said trying his best to act courageous. he had to seem confident if this plan was going to work.

"i suppose if you would be willing to give us information and insight on the humans and their weaknesses, then we could spare the human"

"y-yes i promise, just don't hurt him, please" Oliver's eyes brimmed with tears.

"all right then, so you will go willingly then?" Oliver nodded at the cruel man queueing him to continue "well you best go pack your things, but don't bring too much for the long journey ahead and we cant afford to carry all your sentimental junk"

"okay..." Oliver said and walked to his bedroom to pack all of his things.

the borrower did as he was told and packed his things. as he gazed around his room for the last time, his eye caught on his hook. Isaac had fixed it for him. he packed that too. Oliver wished he had more to remember the teen by but that was the only thing he had ever gotten from him.

one last thing. the boy pulled out a piece of paper from his note stack and began frantically writing an apology. he had to at least give it to his friend.

he opened the old exit in his house and began running as fast as he could to the kitchen. he heard the man behind him yelling having noticed his abrupt disappearance. Oliver continued. he tripped and faceplanted into the tunnel ground but quickly recovered. he continued running until he reached the exit.

it was late in the night. when had the day passed? he could hear the faint chirping of crickets. Isaac should have been back from school several hours before. He paused for a second. this was the place where he had first met Isaac. on this counter next to the toaster.

The cracked tile where he had exited from the same as it had been that first day. Oliver held back tears as he placed the note down on the counter. he heard the entrance door begin to open.

oliver's chest swelled with hope. if he could get isaac's attention he just might have a chance to save him.

"Hey OL, I'm back" the teen called.

"Isa-" he was cut off when a hand slapped over his face and gagged him, it was the man, who had caught up him. he restrained Oliver and began to drag him back into the wall. Oliver struggled helplessly. His breath grew ragged he struggled helplessly against the strong man holding him back.

He began to have a panic attack. If he couldn't get Isaac's attention then he may never see the human again. he bit the hand gagging and screamed as loud as he could, unfortunately it was to deaf ears. Isaac was too far away and Oliver's cries were just too quiet.

he heard Isaac calling for him and desperately tried to yell for the human "Isaac please!"

"W-wait no! Please DONT DO THIS!!" his voice cracked, raw from emotion. tears flowed down his face as he screamed hysterically for the human. the man continued to drag him out until they were back in Oliver's house.

"now now, there no need for that" the man scolded the sobbing teen "this is simply what happens when people break the rules"

"Isaac, Isaac ISAAC!!" the borrower screamed using the last of his voice. he sobbed breathlessly as the man scolded him about the rules. the stupid rules. it was all his fault. the man pressed something on Oliver's face, a cloth of some kind, the smell was odd but calming. Oliver began to drift into unconsciousness. but just before he passed out he heard one las thing.

"This is for your own good"

And then it all went dark.

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