Chapter 12

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Oliver woke to an awful cacophony of noises, there was a loud blaring noise to his right. The surface under him moved and his coverage was suddenly gone. The borrower had to think for a second 'where am I and what is that awful noise?' Just as he thought it, the noise was silenced.

He had stayed the night with Isaac having felt lonely the night before. Now he was laying down, on what he assumed was Isaac's chest. His ground shifted to reveal a very tired Isaac, who was reaching down to scoop up Oliver. The boy yawned tiredly "what was that noise?" Oliver asked looking out the window. It was raining but he knew that the sun was just barely risen.

"That's my alarm. Forgot it was the end of school break" he groaned.

"What's school?" Oliver had heard about it before, but never really knew what it was.

"Living hell." Isaac deadpanned, causing Oliver to tilt his head quizzically "its basically where kids go to learn stuff"

"Oh. And you have to go today?"

"Yes..." Isaac said ad he checked his phone "aaAND I'm late crap!" He bolted out of bed and went to the kitchen before realizing he was still holding a very dizzy Oliver.

"Sorry" Isaac apologized setting the borrower down on the table. The human then proceeded to rush around the apartment gathering supplies at random. Before returning to the kitchen to say goodbye to Oliver, when he gt there though, the borrower had prepared bags of stuff.

"What's that for?" Isaac inquired. Examining the bags closer.

The borrower backed up and spoke "well, I uh...was wondering if I could come with you?"

"But you could get hurt! Or...what if someone sees you? No, its too dangerous. You'll just have to stay home." The Isaac decided with a thoughtful nod.

"Please~" The borrower looked the human head on with the tiniest and cutest puppy eyes, Isaac had ever seen.

"Bu-wha-aww common, that's not fair." The human wined, causing Oliver to plea harder "ughhh, fiiine! But you have to be very careful!"

The borrower cheered in success and they set off together.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Isaac asked in a concerned tone, attempting to look at Oliver, who was comfortably roosted in the humans hoodie.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Hey! Do you think they'll be borrowers there too?" The tiny boy asked enthusiastically.

"I wouldn't know, remember i didn't even know you existed till 2 weeks ago." He reminded the borrower.

"Oh right, wow. It's crazy how that was just a few weeks, felt like so long ago" Oliver seemed very chipper today, which Isaac thought odd, but he didn't think too hard about it.

Oliver was bored. He was sitting in Isaac's backpack for the time being but nothing interesting was happening. There was muffled chatter that could be heard from where he was, but it seemed to be the same monotone person talking in the most boring way possible.

The blonde climbed up to the top of the backpack and hopped to Isaac's shoulder, grateful that the teen had left it hanging on the back of his chair.

"Psst..Isaac" Oliver whispered next to the human's ear causing him to flinch in shock.

"Oliver what are you doing?! Someone could see you" Isaac scolded under his breath, keeping his gaze fixated on the person teaching.

"I'm booooored, can we do something?" The borrower said falling dramatically back on Isaac's neck. The teen blushed feeling his friend laying on him, even if it was just for attention.

"It's dangerous for you out here, and you wanted to come in the first place"

"But I thought it would be like, you know, actually interesting!"

"Keep your voice down" Isaac scolded before reaching to grab the borrower and place him in his hoodie pocket. Oliver squirmed but decided that it wasn't worth getting seen by another human and just waited to see what Isaac was going to do next.

Isaac cautiously grabbed his phone and AirPods and slid them into his pocket. He switched it to one of his games before retracting his hands from his pocket.

"What an i supposed to do with this?" He heard the muffled voice from his pocket whisper.

"It's a game, play it. But be quiet" he said.

Oliver figured out how to work the game, using his whole hand to tap the screen. It was a color matching game where he had to slide the candy to get a colorful row and then it would disappear. The game kept Oliver entertained until lunch, when Isaac went to a tree outside to eat with his tiny friend.

"Oliver?" The human said reaching into his pocket only to have his hand pushed away by a fixated Oliver. Isaac stared down confused "dude, it's time to eat aren't you hungry?"

"Just give me a minuet, I'm almost at level 237" the borrower said in a slightly annoyed tone.

Isaac reached into his pocket and pulled out a wining Oliver "noo, I wanna play more of the candy game" he protested.

"You've been playing that all day, it's time to get off man," he said ruffling the blondes hair playfully.

"Ugh fiiine, what are we eating anyway?" Oliver said peeking over the humans hand to get a better look.

"Cafeteria food." Isaac said with such disdain, Oliver wondered if the food had done something to him.

"What's wrong with it?" Oliver looked at it. It appeared to be edible, and that's really all that mattered.

"It's gross, that's what. No one likes cafeteria food"

"Well I'll be the judge on weather it's good or not. But it looks fine to me, trust me I've probably tasted worse"

"If you say so" Isaac said as he gave Oliver a small portion of the food, the borrower gladly accepting.

Oliver chewed the food thoughtfully, it certainly tasted normal enough "well it doesn't taste as bad as beetles" he said sarcastically.

"Beetles? Like this bug?? When did you ever eat a beetle" the boy inquired quite disgusted by the prospect.

"Uhh, I think a few months ago, during the move" he said casually.

"'ve actually eaten a beetle before?!"

"Yeah, ran out of food mid-trip and had to kill a few, they actually taste not too bad if you boil them"

Isaac's jaw was past the floor at this point, he was dumbfounded, stupefied, befuddled! How could someone have been through something so awful and speak of it so casually?! He stared down at the borrower, who was happily munching on a baby carrot.

Just then Gabriel, a friend of Isaac's spooked him from behind.

"Hey dude! Where were you, I've been looking everywhere cuz you weren't at the usual spot." He said ad his arms laced around Isaac's shoulders.

"Uh, I dunno, just chillin here I guess" he said as he attempted to transfer Oliver to his pocket without being noticed, unfortunately though, Gabriel was quick to spot the small movement in Isaac's hand.

"Uhm dude, what's that?" He said reaching for what he had seen.

"Wait bro, don't-" but it was too late, Gabriel grabbed the tiny form from Isaac's grasp and his eyes widened in shock.

"What the heck."

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