Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

All of a sudden I heard a noise coming from another tree branch. A boy stepped on to our branch and glared at Jago and me. "Who are you?" he said with an annoyed look. Agnes said to the boy "Mike, this is Luke and this is Jago, they are both allies." "Luke and Jago meet Mike, he's my brother. He's 12 years old."

Mike looked just like Agnes. He had the same light brown hair as her and the same green eyes like she had.

Mike held a 12 gauge shotgun in one hand, and in the other he had a deer stomach.

Jago:"Woah, nice shotgun dude."

Agnes:"Where did you get that?!"

Mike:"I stole it from a guard patrolling the Outskirts."

Agnes:"How did you steal it without the guard noticing?"

Mike:"Easy! You just hit them over the head with a log and they're out cold!"

Agnes:"This isn't a joke! We could be arrested for this!"

Mike:"Oh really? How will the Government find out?"

Agnes:"Your such an idiot! The Government has spies you know!"

I sat on the branch without making a sound as the siblings bickered. I didn't have any sisters or brothers so I wasn't used to arguments occurring regularly.

The siblings finally stopped arguing when Mike convinced Agnes that we would be fine.

Mike then said " Well we're done with that stupid conversation so let's eat!"

I was used to eating roasted deer because like I said, the people of the Outskirts aren't exactly "taken care of."

Agnes pulled out a lighter from her pocket. "Where did you get that from? People of the Outskirts aren't normally given those." "Oh, I wasn't given this, I stole it," replies Agnes with a grin.

Then Agnes jumped down from the tree and scanned the area for zombies. "The coast is clear," she yelled to Mike. "Ok," Mike yelled back.

"Time to make dinner newbies," said Mike to Jago and me.

Mike dropped from the tree branch and waited for us to do the same. I jumped from the tree and looked up at Jago, waiting for him to come down.

When I normally hung out with Jago he seemed like he was really tough, but now I saw his true personality.

He actually was scared of lots of things. And I think I just figured out he had a slight fear of heights. "Come on noob, we don't have all day to eat," Mike said. Even though Mike was one year younger than us, he seemed like he was trying to be the boss.

I saw the scared was in Jago's eyes as he stared at the floor of the forest. "Jago, your going to be fine. Just jump down," I said to comfort to him. "This is too far of a jump" he said. "I promise that you'll be fine," I said back to Jago.

Jago then bounced off of the tree and landed on the ground without a scratch. "I told you that you would be fine," I said. "Whatever, I wasn't scared anyway," he said even though he was.

Agnes then got to work at cooking as us boys gathered as much fire wood as possible. She looked as if she knew what she was doing. After about 30 minutes of cooking it was time to eat.

Agnes ripped off different parts of the cooked deer for each of us. She gave Jago and me the largest portion of the meal.

Once we were all down with dinner we scanned the area for zombies and there seemed to be none around so we decided to set up camp.

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