pt 4:- The Interview

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*After the breakfast*

You didn't told me about why you came - yn

Didn't I said to wake you up my princess - jk

Oh pls don't you make excuse and tell me the real reason - yn

Ok as you wish my wifey, I came here with a proposal for you - jk

What proposal ? - yn

Maybe he can't be able to control his harmones after meeting you and hence is asking you to marry him right here - Lara (out of nowhere)

SHUT UP! - yn&jk

Okay okay got that you are not going to do this - Lara

Leave it, So the proposal is about you to join my office as the software developer and investigating cop under me. Don't worry I guarantee your safety my lady(Wink). - jk

No need I am happy here - yn

Yes who won't be happy after sleeping and eating like a pig and having no work to do 24/7 - Lara

(Secret laugh) - jk&Lara

Hey you both stop, I don't want to be in that job again cuz it's too dangerous and kinda terrifying. And I don't want to risk my life ok?  - yn

Hey, listen I am here ok? I won't let someone to even touch you. Your protection is my responsibility. See I know the job I am in is very dangerous but I won't let anything happen to you not when I am alive but don't you cry like a baby if something bad happened to me ok? - jk

I do not f *cking  care if you die. Even though I pray for it. I don't want to do this job that's it. And even tell me bunny head if something happened to me and I died who will marry you huh? Did you even saw your face  - yn (dramatically)

Am I hearing right? or my ears are being dumb like yn's mind. Is she even the yn I know?? No no no you mustn't be the yn. Tell me who are you cuz my yn can't flirt with someone and him no way. Hey you, mr. Jung shocked did you have done something to her?

Don't you interfere when my wifey is being my wifey. It's called the magic of love girl you can't understand. Right baby ?? - jk

Shut up. I am still not your wife ok? I can never be and I won't be. So stop your daydreaming.- yn

........OK FINE I am gonna do this  - yn

Yeah! Finally my monkey will earn some money for me to spend on branded clothes (crab dance) - Lara

Yah! It is not because of you - yn

Yes, it is because of me (flying kiss) - jk

Awwee how cute... - Lara (unholy look)

By the way I am being late so I have to go now. Bye sweetheart and don't miss me too much and yeah come to my office at 5o'clock for the interview cuz even tho you are my babygirl our company still have to verify your qualifications and examine your intelligence - jk

Ok. Fine. NOW GET LOST - yn

Don't worry I am already lost in your love - jk

After that yn and Lara did some chit chat but eventually a question arise in yn's mind so she thought to split it up

Well you didn't told us that why are you here. I mean after a long time and without any information-  yn

Why? Can't I come to my bestfriend's house and it was actually.... That was because  I too finding a job you know - Lara (sarcastic smile)

Hmm..I see - yn

By the way yn I was curious about you marrying him I mean what about ***? Did something happened between you two huh? - Lara

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