~Chapter 125~

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TW death and blood

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TW death and blood.

Josephine squints and leans in, trying to catch every nuance of Karina's pronunciation.

Karina chuckles lightly. "Try rolling the 'R' more."

Frustrated, Josephine sighs and reclines in her seat. "This is hard."

Karina laughs again, sneaking a bite from Alora's plate. Just as Josie prepares to make another attempt, she feels something materialize in her closed hand. Probably a letter from Tom.

Clearing her throat, Josephine announces, "I think I'll take a nap."

Karina nods. "See you later, dear."

Offering Karina a smile, she rises from the couch and makes her way to her room. Once the door is securely locked, she opens her hand.

A crumpled letter lies within. Unfolding it, she focuses on the address, accompanied by a brief note:

Six. Don't be late.

There is no signature, but she knows the sender.

She exhales heavily, then approaches her trunk, eyeing the bag containing the horcrux. With caution, she opens it slightly, enough to glimpse the ring inside.

The stone atop the ring is the resurrection stone. Despite her yearning to see her parents, she knows better than to put the ring on, heeding Alora's warning. She won't succumb to the temptation, no matter how strong the desire.

Resolutely, she seals the bag, attempting to push thoughts of the horcrux aside.

Moving to her bed, she lays down, anticipating the clock striking six so she can decipher the address. She'll likely need a map to locate it.

Josie wishes she weren't so isolated in this struggle, longing to confide in her friends. Their guidance on destroying the horcruxes would be invaluable.

Her plan has shifted; revealing she possesses the horcruxes to Tom could prompt him to create more, posing a danger. Now, her intention is to destroy them when the timing is right. But when will that be?

Weeks? Months? Years? The uncertainty troubles her deeply.

Tom's facade of manipulation can't deceive her; she sees through his intentions. Glancing at the clock, she debates whether she has time for a nap.


Silently, Josephine slides open her window. With only one floor in the house, besides the attic, escaping her room isn't challenging.

Once outside, she closes the window but leaves a slight opening for her return.

Casting a soft "lumos" under her breath, her wand tip glows. Lifting it higher, she proceeds through the woods. Despite that it's not that dark, she needs clarity to locate Tom's designated meeting place.

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