~Chapter 20~

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On Monday, Josephine finally gains access to the restricted section, where she can find books on Occlumency

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On Monday, Josephine finally gains access to the restricted section, where she can find books on Occlumency. Surprisingly, the librarian, Pince, entrusts her to explore the section alone, on the condition that she returns the key when finished.

Josie's footsteps echo through the library as she walks in silence. The activity around her indicates that everyone is occupied with their own tasks. Throughout the day Regulus exchanged a few words with her, but their interactions feel minimal. She might have felt some guilt for the argument they had if she actually thought she was in the wrong.

Josie absentmindedly picks at her nails, her thoughts wander to her upcoming Saturday date. Nervousness tinges her excitement, considering it is her first date ever. Yet, she doubts that this date will even lead to anything.

Shaking off her daydreams, Josie approaches Pince, who hands her the key along with a stern reminder, "Return the key promptly, and ensure the books remain within the restricted section. Once you're finished, please return them as well." Josephine nods in acknowledgement before heading towards the restricted section.

With the key in hand, she unlocks the door and steps into the dimly lit room. Torches lining the walls flicker to life as she enters, casting eerie shadows. The atmosphere weighs heavily upon her with each breath she takes.

Navigating the shelves, Josephine locates the desired section. Carefully selecting the most informative books on Occlumency, she also decides to grab a few volumes on Legilimency. Both subjects intrigue her and will provide valuable knowledge.

As her dark eyes scan the bottom shelf, they catch sight of a forgotten, ancient book nestled in a distant corner. Its neglected presence beckons to her curiosity.

Josephine's curiosity piques as she tilts her head and reaches down to retrieve the old book. It requires a firm tug, finally coming free from its resting place. The faded letters on the cover make it challenging for Josie to decipher its title. Clearly, it is a forgotten book.

Opening it to a random section, her eyes land on the word "Horcruxes." Interesting, she thinks, realizing it is a book about the dark arts. Its presence in the restricted section puzzles her—Dumbledore must not know it is still here. Otherwise, it would have already been removed.

Casting a cautious glance around, Josie discreetly stows the mysterious book inside her bag. She decides to read it along with the others, ensuring its eventual return once she has finished.

Balancing the remaining books in her arms, Josephine exits the restricted section and securely locks the door behind her. Before proceeding to the counter to check out the restricted books, she detours to the section containing past student records. Scanning the shelves, she selects a few volumes from the period when Dumbledore served as a teacher before becoming the headmaster. The time frame spans the 1930s and 1940s. To be safe, she grabs a few extra books as well.

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