~Chapter 107~

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Her gaze fixes on the diadem, scrutinizing its details within Helena's dorm, ensuring the horcrux remains intact

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Her gaze fixes on the diadem, scrutinizing its details within Helena's dorm, ensuring the horcrux remains intact.

Merlin, paranoia has set in.

Josephine rises, shifts the table back into the corner, and departs, the closet door closing with a faint creak. Lost in thought, she grapples with the daunting nature of her mission. Hunting horcruxes, confronting Tom—where will it end? Will it ever end? Would she give in to the dark side?

She hones in on that last thought.

It's not the fear of embracing the dark side that troubles her; rather, it's the dread of mirroring Tom or Dumbledore.

With a sigh, she shuts her eyes briefly.

Perhaps today, she resolves to feign normalcy, to mimic the person she used to be before this enveloping darkness tainted her—assuming such a version of herself exists.

Running her hands over her black pants, she exits Helena's dorm. Today holds a Quidditch match; she hopes Regulus has recovered from his recent illness.

Descending the girls' dormitory stairs, she proceeds through the common room toward the Great Hall for breakfast, idly picking at her nails until she catches herself.

At the Ravenclaw table, Dorcas and Pandora engage in conversation with the boys. "Hi," Josephine greets, taking the vacant spot at the table's end.

"Josette!" Evan exclaims, absorbed in his paper.

Regulus offers a faint smile, and greetings follow from Pandora, Dorcas, and Barty.

"What are you woking on?" Josephine leans inquisitively toward Evan.

"History of magic. We're tasked with an essay on some notable English witches," he grumbles. "I got assigned someone I know nothing about."

Josie chuckles "Who did you get?"

"Anne Boleyn," he confesses.

Her eyes widen. "I love Anne Boleyn!" Excitement courses through her veins.

Evan looks up pleadingly. "Please help me."

Josephine shifts beside him, with Barty and Regulus opposite.

"Give it," she requests, motioning toward the paper.

Evan slides the parchment and quill across. Regulus observes her with raised brows.

Glancing over Evan's work, she raises an eyebrow. "You've only written your name."

Evan grins. "Yes."

"Technically, Anne was only considered a witch due to allegations, all because Henry desired another woman."

"Who's Henry?" Evan asks.

Barty chuckles, rolling his eyes. "Henry the Eighth, King of England. He had six wives. Anne was his second."

"Wow," Evan exhales.

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